I got out of bed about 11:30 this morning after waking up late (about 7:30) and chilling in bed with my phone until the battery ran out 🙂
While on the phone I came across a set of NS Bikes jump bike wheels and put in a low ball offer on them and the seller came back with a sensible counter so I bought them to go on the Octane One Zircus to get that built up and sold.
I decided that today I am going to get all the half finished bikes sorted out. First job was to tap out the threads on the Octane one Zircus and my Yess Type X Pro XL cruiser frame as both had cross threaded bottom Brackets. Once this was done I got the cranks installed on the Octane One Zircus ready for the wheels to arrive next week some time and then I got to work building the Yess:
When I finished the Yess I hung it up in my room where it will stay until I am able to ride it again! I am super happy with how the Yess looks fully built up but I am toying with the idea of getting a set of my DXR’s powder coated Matt black or maybe hydro dipped with a black carbon effect. I will think on it over the winter and decide. I also bought a can of matt black spray paint so that I can spray the Aluminium brake house holder that I bought to go on the old bake mount post mount to hold the brake hose. It doesn’t look bad but like the cranks, I think that it will look better in Matt Black:
After I had finished the Yess my new park helmet arrived and it fits but it feels a bit big so my son is going to have that one and I bought the next size down for me and also a 28T sprocket for the Octane One Zircus as its new back wheel has a 14t freewheel on it so 28 x 14 is the same as 32×16 on a jump bike or 36×16 on a Cruiser so it is the ideal gearing to use at the track/ pump track. As I got off the computer from ordering the new bits the new brake and brake mount arrived for the Airdrop Fade so I am now going to get that finished off as well.
I am then going to get the Inspyre 20″ built up ready to sell and then I will put the wheels that I was going to put on the octane One Zircus from the GT Chucker back on it as I now have the wheels that I bought off of ebay this morning to go on it so I will build up the GT Chucker again and get it sold. The Halo Wheel Skewers arrived to day that I bought for the wheels so I will use them on the bike to make it look a bit shinier.
The Airdrop Fade is now fully working so I am going to to go for a ride on it in the morning to make the most of the extra hour we have tomorrow and see how it is before I ride it to work Monday morning. In the end I had to add a couple of washers under the brake to get it to work properly as the IS 20mm mount for 160mm disks is about 5mm too low for the bike. I had the same issue on my race BMX as well and I resolved it by using some of the washers off of a v brake brake pad so get it to work. I will look around for a more permanent fix but for now its fine.
I have also put the new front wheel on to the Inspyre and also swapped the new ODI Van’s grips off of it onto the Yess as the grips on the Yess were pretty worn. I am now listing the bike for sale online to get rid of it.