Year end Round up 2021

Year end Round up 2021

All in all this year has been a bit of a bust! The year started off well as I gave up drinking Fizzy drinks, started eating healthily and exercising regularly and was actually lost weight!

I started the year at 105.3kgs and got down to 103.5kgs by 01/10/2021 after that I got injured then sick and have not been right until now and have got back into drinking coca cola again so my weight is now up to 106.7kgs this morning 🙁 so for the year I have actually gained 1.4kgs for the year!

It is not all bad as I have been able to do sprints pretty consistently through November and December despite the knee injury (caused by falling off of the sprint block when it snapped on my first session) I have gained sprint fitness and my back/ knee issues are slowly getting better.

I set a goal of being able to manual 49m by my 49th birthday which is not looking very likely either as I only have 8 days left and have been able to do 0 practice sessions so far! I am off from this afternoon until 10th January so I will have time to put some effort in at least!

One positive that came out of 2021 is that I managed to qualify for the 2022 Worlds in July next year so I have some motivation to train hard from now until then. I have also been consistent in my intermittent fasting since August when I moved to my new position and got off of shifts which has meant that despite not training enough and eating badly and drinking 1.5-2l of Coca Cola a day my weight hasn’t ballooned out of control as it did in 2020!

Looking towards the Worlds my goals for next year need to be basically the same as last year and will be:

  1. Stop drinking Fizzy drinks and up my water consumption to replace it.
  2. Break fast with green smoothy
  3. Go to the gym at least 4 times a week
  4. Sprint 3 times a week
  5. Stretch Every Day
  6. Get a consistent Manual
  7. Learn to Jump properly
  8. At least 2 road bike rides/ HIIT sessions a week

Basically my goals for the year are to lose weight and get better at BMX racing so that I don’t look stupid at the Worlds!

My plan is to wake up at 5:30 every morning and go to the gym Mon, Tues, Thur, Fri to build a base strength and fitness. I will ride to the gym so when I get there I will be warmed up and can do some dynamic movements then crack on with the days workout. When I am done working out I will cool down and stretch then ride home. For January I plan to use predominantly machines when working out to build my base fitness and try and strengthen my knee and back ready to start free weights in February.

My rough Plan for January is as follows:


AM – Gym (legs) + Stretching

PM – Manual training as a warmup and then Strength Sprints (Uphill)


AM – Gym (upper body) + Stretching

PM – Manual training as a warmup and then Power Sprints (flat)


AM – Slow road ride and Stretching

PM – Racing Bristol or Basketball


AM – Gym (upper body) + Stretching

PM – Manual training as a warmup and then Speed Sprints (flat)


AM – Gym (legs) + Stretching

PM – Rest


AM – Coaching

PM – Stretching + rest


AM – pump track

PM – Slow Road Ride + Stretching

I have decided that Sunday will be our Pump track day! This is important as both my son and myself really need to work on our manuals and jumping and the pump track is the best way to do this! One of the pump tracks near us have just resurfaced their downhill Jump line and built a velosolutions pump track at the bottom of it so we can get the best of both worlds in one stop! With the working on the manuals and pedal wheelies all week before sprints and riding the track and pump track at the weekend I hope to be able to manual and jump well by the end of the month as well as improving pumping! These skills can be put into practice on the track on Wednesday night racing and Saturday coaching and gates sessions.

As the season starts in March I will add more track sessions in my lunch break in February to get the track fitness/ skills built up as well. My goal is to be able to race full laps by the start of March unlike last season where I wasn’t able to do a full speed full lap all year!

I am also planning to do a winter race on the 9th Jan in Bournemouth to get used to the track as the brits are there this year and also to scare myself into getting fit!

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