Working on cutting down on screen time again.

Yesterday I only got half of the stuff done that I planned to get done as I started looking at my phone and then got really lazy and went to bed and wasted most of the afternoon and all of the evening on social media again!

Because of this I did some research this morning about how to reduce phone usage and I found that setting the colour scheme to grey-scale (black and white) will severely reduce the appeal of being on the phone so I have set my phone to black and white and it is already seeming very boring and I am not enjoying using it so I guess that it is working 🙂

I will see how this works over the next couple of weeks and if it is working then I will keep the phone in this mode.

I have to say that I have noticed how I have not really wanted to use my phone anywhere near as much as I usually would so I think that the grey-scale may well help me kick the habit once and for all!

This evening I actually started watching a Docker Training course on my laptop instead of being on my phone and losing 3+ hours in YouTube and Facebook rabbit holes!

I have decided that I need to start walking again first thing to not only get all the weight that I have put on this week from drinking fizzy drinks again but also to kick start my health kick and also to get some sun early in the mornings which is apparently the best early morning habit to build. I also need to setup my treadmill under my desk tomorrow as well and test it out ready to start walking while I work from Tuesday onwards. I have decided that I will work from home the rest of the week so that I can get into a routine more easily and I definitely want to start the Knee Ability Zero program starting Monday morning. I am not going to go into the office early in the morning any more and will instead use the 2 and a half hours before work to get fit and healthy as I feel that it will benefit me more in the long run than doing training when I wake up!

I am also going to start showing before bed as well so that I can basically wake up, go to the toilet and clean my teeth, get dressed drink some water and then leave the house on my walk as I will not feel crusty as want a shower before I leave for my walk. A few times this week I have woken up but not bothered to walk as I couldn’t be bothered to shower so this will give me one less excuse to not walk! During my walk I will try and fit 10 minutes of backwards walking in to strengthen my knees then I will go home and do my days workout. The sun rises about 6:20 at the moment so I will only get about 10-15 minutes of sun but apparently that is enough to wake up properly and have serious health benefits.

Mon, Wed and Fri that will be the Knee Ability Zero program and Tues and Thur will be Upper body weights and shoulder rehab. Both training programs take about 30 minutes so that means I will be finished by 7am which gives me time to shower and walk to work on Mondays and shower and get ready for work the rest of the week.

This will also mean that I have the majority of my 10000 steps and a workout in before 7 am so EVERYTHING on top of this is extra calories burnt 🙂 With the under desk treadmill I hope to get at least another 10000 steps a day in to burn a bunch more calories and try and reverse the damage done by sitting all the time while working. I am hoping by doing the Knee Ability Zero program and standing/ walking while working I can get rid of all of my leg/ back muscle tightness and pain for good.

By the time the clocks go forwards I hope to be used to the new routine where I can start riding my bike in he evenings after work for an hour or so as well to start building BMX fitness and also work on my bike skills and learn to jump before I start racing again next season! Riding the bike after work also means that I have 1-2 less time for TV/phones too 🙂

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