
So I woke up this morning and felt like doing a weigh-in and i am down to 107.6kgs even though I have been basically sedentary this week due to my knackered back which shows that cutting down on sweets and crisps has helped 🙂

My back is good enough to start walking again this weekend but deffo not good enough to ride the bike! Because of this I will try and get up early on Saturday and Sunday and walk for at least an hour to try and free up the back more and burn sum blubber too 🙂

I will try and get into the gym on Tuesday morning and try and make a start doing light weights to make a start on working out 3x a week! Doing something is better than doing nothing and the biggest thing I need to build up at the moment is building the habit of working out so its all good! Even if I just go and walk on the treadmill of slowly ride the static bike if I am unable to do weights it will be better than doing nothing! And it will start me getting used to getting up early showing and going to the gym straight away!

I have been thinking and I thin that I should ride the bike to the office and leave the bike there while I’m working out then I will save 30 minutes travel time and also warm up a bit more as well! I will get my mtb out of the garage and clean it off to ride to work and back on gym days as it has mud guards so when its raining I will not get totally soaked which will be nice.

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