Woke up early and actually remembered to do my weigh in for once and I was surprised to see that I was down to 105.1kgs down from 106.3kgs last week! I’m not sure if the weight loss is due to riding the BMX more or from me eating slightly better but I will take it as this month I have gone from the heaviest I have been this year to the lightest in 3 weeks so I guess I need to just keep up with being consistent and chip away at the weight. I have also noticed over the past couple of weeks that my asthma has been much better which could be due to increased fitness or the fact the weather has been much better or a bit of both but I am super happy with the way I am feeling. I have noticed that from all of the walking in the mornings and riding BMX at lunch I am way less stressed at the moment which I think has helped with my acid reflux so as a result my asthma has been reduced. I have also only had to use indigestion medicine 2 or 3 times this month which is amazing as I was using a bottle a week last month! Talking about the reflux I have noticed that it gets worse when I eat Sweets and crisps and drink Ribena so I am trying to cut out all processed food where possible to try and keep the reflux in check and also feel better!
At lunch time I went to the track and did about an hour of training which according to Strava equated to just under 30 minutes actually riding 🙂
I did a few first straights to get warm and then spent the rest of the time on the 3rd and 4th straight. I decided that I wanted to work on the 3rd straight and learnt to manual the 1st jump which I have struggled with for years which was a good win. I also managed a couple of 3rd straights where I cleanly manualed all 3 jumps so super happy with the progress. I am loving the Curtis more and more with every ride so I am stoked that I got it 🙂
I was working all evening so I had a rest evening.