

I woke up at 5:30 am again this morning but was feeling tired still so I went back to sleep until 7am and then did my weigh-in and I am back up to 106.8kgs so technically I didn’t lose any weight from last week even though I am almost half a kg (0.4kgs) heavier than I was on Sunday! I am taking it as a wakeup call and that I need to start walking in the mornings again as I have been super slack since the weekend and to be honest I haven’t made my 11000 step target since 04/04/2023:

04/04/2023 11831
05/04/2023 1238
06/04/2023 4856
07/04/2023 10849
08/04/2023 5384
09/04/2023 4078
10/04/2023 3007
11/04/2023 1062

As you can see for the last couple of days I have hardly moved at all which is not good at all and explains the weight gain! That and the massive portion of cheesie chips and chicken nuggets I had for tea last night 🙂

I have to go into the office in the morning anyway so I am going to make sure that I get my steps in tomorrow in addition to training as well. I also need to stop worrying so much about the BMX racing as I’m not doing a lot of it this year and need to focus on getting fit and dropping weight so that next year I can start training properly for the season ahead and doing nationals again!

At the moment I have dived head first into training for BMX and forgotten all about building the healthy habits that will get me to my goal weight and build a strong base fitness to build on next year!

So gates was cancelled tonight due to the severe weather forecast to keep the track from getting messed up before the regional at the weekend which is sensible. This means that I have done no exercise again but it does give me time to finish organising the flat that I didn’t finish at the weekend!

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