Weigh-in – 30 day walking challenge day 2

Woke up feeling terrible so I decided to go back to sleep and wake up at 7am to get ready for work which I did. I am on half a day today so I will make up my walk at lunch time and I found that I can not do squats as my shoulder doesn’t have enough movement to swing under the bar and hold it 🙁 As I’m sick its probably best to not add any extra training load this week anyway so I will start legs next week. I am thinking that I may do the knees over toes program for 12 weeks starting next week then hopefully by the time that is done I will have gained full mobility of my shoulder and I will be able to start squatting again.

When I got up I did my weigh-in and was surprised to see that I had lost almost 1kg this week as I was down to 106.3kgs from 107.2kgs this time last week. I was a bit surprised as I haven’t really stopped drinking Coca Cola yet! That being said I have been walking more consistently and also I have been consistent with my upper body weights and I upped my weights this week as the original weights were too light!

This afternoon I will walk to the track at lunchtime and pick up the DMR and my helmet, shoes and gloves so that I can shoot to Bristol at about 4pm for gates tonight. I will take it easy at gates tonight as I’m not feeling great but I want to give gates a try to see where the shoulder is strength wise. It is feeling much better than it was so hopefully it will be OK. I mainly have to go to gates as I am lending my friends Son a couple sets of cranks as he is on 165mm cranks and he should be on 175mm as he is taller than me and he has a national at the weekend so I said he can borrow my cranks for the weekend as I’m not using them at the moment other than to hang my Yess on the wall.

Steps wise yesterday I did 11077 steps so I did over 3000 steps just walking around the house doing chores which is really good.

I went for a walk up to the track this afternoon but had to turn back halfway up the hill as I was feeling dizzy and thought that I might pass out so I abandoned my walk and struggled to walk home. I actually had to sit down a few times on the way home as I felt so bad!

When I finally got home I cancelled my plans and went straight to bed where I stayed all afternoon/ evening. After drinking some water and eating some more food I felt slightly better but I was far from 100%. I also noticed that I had broken my toe when I kicked the bed frame Tuesday night which is annoying but not anywhere as painful as my teeth and throat are being at the moment so I can live with it and it is not bothering me too much when I walk so its all good! Luckily it was the toe next to the little toe that I hit so its not one of the important or painful toes 🙂

Because of feeling bad I only managed 8334 steps all day again 🙁


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