

So I woke up at 5:30 without an alarm this morning even though I got to bed after 11pm as I was on call last night! I think that 5:30 ish is my natural time to wake up so I am not going to fight it!

I did my weigh in which was a bit disappointing as I am up 0.2kgs from Monday Morning and 0.3kgs from last Wednesday!

I expect this to go down this week as I have significantly reduced my Coca Cola intake this week all ready (1 can only yesterday) and I am now walking in the morning first thing again which will help as well.

I got my weight session in yesterday lunchtime and think that that is definitely the way to go moving forwards. This is especially true on Tuesdays when I am on call as I work all evening so can’t fit in weights in the evening as I had originally planned!

I have decided to hold off on doing the Knees Over Toes program or doing any lower body weights for a few weeks so that I can get used to my new Morning routine then I can add leg weights/ knees over toes program once my body has got used to the added load of walking every morning and also riding at the track most evenings after work.

After my weigh-in I got dressed and went out for my morning walk which I expected to be horrible as it was spitting with rain but it was actually really nice and I didn’t notice the drizzle at all once I was walking. I even added a an extra part to the end of my walk to make my walk 2.3 miles and 4774 steps and its is up hill a fair bit so it gets the heart pumping at the end of the walk. While on the last bit of my walk through the park I remembered that there are actually bike jumps in the park that I may start using after my walk to get some jumping practice in once the mornings get light again after the clocks change at the weekend. I also remembered that there is a basketball court there too so I could alway add some basketball as well once my shoulder is better.

After the second day of walking first thing I am starting to remember how much better it makes me feel and remembering why I did it so much last year. I definitely felt less stressed and more energised all day and my back definitely felt much better this morning when i woke up and I slept much better too. I am also feeling way less bloated which will also be due to not drinking 3l of Coca Cola yesterday 🙂 but also due to the walking as well as I can feel ribs that I didn’t have at the start of the week already :-). I also felt much stronger when I did my shoulder weights at lunch time. In fact I moved from the 2kg to the 3kg weights for my shoulder sequence and from the 3kg to the 5kg weights that arrived on Monday while I was at work for the bicep curls so I am definitely getting stronger.

I am just waiting for my new barbel to arrive to start increasing my bench press weight as well but I am not sure when that will be as I am getting 0 updates from either UPS or the company that I bought the weights from at the moment 🙁 I will chase them up again in a bit and hopefully get it sorted soon!

I am on a half day today so I am going to go to the track and play on the DMR for a couple of hours this afternoon once I have fixed the moving back wheel.

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