

Woke up this morning and did my weigh-in and I am up 0.9kgs this week ☹️ This will partly be due to starting weights but I have also been back on the fizzy drinks this week and also McDonalds and takeout as well ☹️

My under desk treadmill arrived today so starting tomorrow I will start walking all day to get the weight back off. I am also going to cut down on the fizzy drinks for the rest of the week and cut them out all together at the weekend and get back into the habit of drinking fizzy water again. I am also going to do a big shop today and remove Deliveroo and Uber eats from my phone again!
I also need to start to go into the office in the mornings again as I was getting a lot more done and also getting a lot more cardio in as well so it was a win win! I could then walk home at lunch time and walk on the treadmill in the afternoon while working.
Now that the nights are getting lighter I am going to start going to the track after work to get moving more as well so I should get the weight under control again soon with very little effort.

I have also decided that for the next 12 weeks I am going to do Ben Patrick’s (KneesOverToesGuy) Knee ability zero program to try and get my legs strong and also get my mobility back after all of the leg injuries that I have and sitting all day have taken away from me.

I have also bought Ben’s second book which will arrive tomorrow so that I can progress onto a weighted program at the end of the knee ability zero program is done. I think that the second book is just a weighted progression of the knee ability zero so it should be a good next step.

I am meeting my friend Matt at the track tonight so I will take the DMR up and leave it in the container when I leave so that I can start riding up in the afternoons to ride instead of having to use the car as all my stuff will be in the container. I will bring the NS back home and use the parts from it to build up the Octane One Zircus up for my Son to ride when he wants to ride.

Tonight I am also going to clean and take pictures of my Dialled 4x frame as well as the NS and 2 x Airdrops Fades and put them up for sale as I am not likely to use them so I may as well get some money back for them and get them out of the house/ garage to clear some space. I am also going to get my Sunday Wave C park bike up together and get that sold as well as I haven’t ridden it for at least a year and I can ride the DMR in the skatepark if I want to ride so I have no need for it really.
l have lent a friend my road bike as he is doing a triathlon soon so that is currently out of the way and freeing up some space at least.

Tonight I also need to get the Inspyre Cruiser built up as my friend is borrowing that for the season so that will be out of the way by the weekend too.

I have also noticed that I have been getting really lazy and wasting a lot of time on my phone on social media again and watching lots of tv on the laptop too so I am going to cut that out as well and start replacing it with watching training courses and learning new skills instead! As I am starting to make new healthier habits I think that it’s time I started spending more time improving myself instead of wasting my free time like I have been doing! Over the past weeks I have ramped up to over 5 hours a day on my phone which is crazy! I have also noticed that I am on my phone while watching tv too which I am not sure is due to lack of interest in the tv I’m watching or being addicted to the phone again! Either way it has to stop! I have also pretty much stopped adding content to my website so I need to start doing that again too and I also need to start working on my new sticker business which has basically never got part setting up the printer! With the 5 extra hours a day I can start pushing that forwards too!

So this afternoon has been busy already! I have had the treadmill delivered and some snails that I ordered from ebay for my axolotl pond. I have also setup a baby brine shrimp hatchery that arrived today too and also fed my baby axolotls that hatched today and yesterday their first meal of baby brine shrimp that hatched over night in the pop bottle brine shrimp hatchery that I setup yesterday when I realised that the babys had started hatching! I have also put the washing away that I left from the last 2 days as well. I have also just finished putting the flooring in my coat cupboard that I have been putting off finishing for about 3 weeks 🙂

I am now going to sort out the DMR back wheel issue while I wait for my weights and barbels to be delivered then i can go to the track and play on the DMR. Also on my todo list is to fit the new cable hydraulic brake on the front of my ebike and dial in the rear as I left too much play on the cable when I set the rear brake up so the brake lever is almost at the grip before the brake engages!

I have to be at the track by 17:30 as my friend Matt is meeting me there as I have some bike stuff to give him that he needs for the weekend so I am planning to get to the track for about 16:30 if my weights have arrived and ride for an hour or so before Matt gets there then once I have met him I will put the DMR in the container and take the NS home as I want to take the cranks off of it and put them on my Sunday 24″ that I am selling and put the new Sunday cranks off of the Sunday onto the Dialled Cruiser to start building that up. All in all a busy day!

I got confirmation from the bank that my business account for my new business has been created so I will be able to start making stickers, take photos of the stickers and make the web site to start trading over the next couple weeks then I can start trading and trying to make some money.

This weekend I will start installing the printer on my Son’s computer ready to start playing and making stickers. One of the first things that I want to make are some stickers for my Dialled cruiser to dull down a bit of the Luminous Yellow that the frame is painted and also some custom stickers for my friends Yess that I promised him 🙂  Once I have made all of the prototype stickers and got the photos I will start to make the website and open up some shops on Amazon, Ebay, Etsy etc and then wait for the orders to come in 🙂

So the weights arrived but the bar is nowhere to be seen and the tracking shows that UPS picked it up but nothing else 🙁 No idea when the bar will be delivered so I will just have to wait until I get it I guess!

I held off from starting the Knee Ability Zero program until next week as I am super tired from my 18 hour shift yesterday and I used up what little energy I had left doing chores this afternoon!

I have also hurt my shoulder a bit unpacking the weights so I will not ride this evening either 🙁


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