

I did my weigh in this morning as I was in a hurry yesterday morning so forgot all about doing it. I was a bit upset to find that I am now back up to 107.3kgs this week so I have put on 2 kgs in 2 weeks 🙁

This is mainly due to being in bed most of the week and not doing any exercise at all in the past week!

This afternoon I organised and re-arranged my bedroom and moved the weight bench and squat stands into the bedroom so that I have a gym area in my room now:

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I will get my weights in over the weekend and set everything up ready to start working out Monday. I have decided that l am going to walk in the mornings again and then do weights in my lunch hour so that I have done all of my workouts by 1pm as I and at the moment I am not going to the track much as my shoulder is still hurting too much so at least working out will hopefully help that.

As I have been sick this week I need to ease back into riding again so I feel that walking in the morning will do that and then I can do light weights at lunch time to help rehab my shoulder and also gain strength in my legs and arms and it is something that I can do with little effort and that will give the maximum benefits for me. After this month it will be light enough for me to ride before work so I can then substitute the walking for riding to the track on the ebike and then doing some laps then riding home and showering before work. I am planning to get back into the habit of waking up at 5am and walking for an hour and a half to 2 hours and then getting home, showering and starting work at 7:30 am then working until midday then doing weights for 30 minutes or so then eating and starting work again at 1pm. This means that by 1pm I have done 2 hours or so of cardio and 30-45 minutes of weight training and I can chill for the rest of the day.

My other option is to continue walking in the mornings as its great for burning fat and clearing my mind, relaxes me and also helps keep my back and legs feeling less stiff and achy which are all great for my health. Do weights in my lunch hour to work as rehab and then as the evenings get lighter I can ride the ebike to the track and play for a couple of hours.

I noticed this morning that it is getting lighter much earlier and darker a fair bit later so I think by next month I can start going to the track after work at 4pm for an hour or so. The only issue with this is that once it starts getting lighter the weekend training sessions will move to week nights so I will only have a limited amount of time at the track before I get kicked off on at least 2 nights 🙁

I have noticed over the past month or so that I have started to slowly do less and less exercise so I need to put a stop to that and get into a routine where I put as much importance on exercise as I currently do on working! I think this routine will help me do this and also help me get the exercise done early so I don’t have to cram exercise in at the end of the day when I am tired!

I have found historically that if I do my exercise first thing then I am way more likely to do it so I may well just walk for an hour and a half and then do my weights when I get home before work as I am terrible for not taking lunch breaks or not wanting to work out at lunch times either so if I get it done before work then I can chill at lunch time or make up the missed steps at lunch time instead. As long as I get up and out of bed at 5am then I can easily get both walking and weights in and still have plenty of time to shower and get dressed for work. The only day that I probably will not do this is Mondays as its my in office day but I only go in for the morning as I work Friday nights and take Monday afternoons back as time in leu so I have plenty of time Monday afternoon to do a weights session instead and I can just walk on Monday mornings instead and finish my walk in the office.

I plan to get up and walk tomorrow morning to get used to getting up and going out and also to see how far I can walk in 1.5 hours to see if it is doable to walk and train before work. I am pretty sure that it is very doable but we will see. To be honest anything is better than the nothing that I have been doing recently so I may as well get on with it!

I have also noticed that when I am exercising I don’t seem to crave all the crap food that I have been eating again over the last couple of weeks so that will hopefully help with the weight loss as well.

I have been speaking with my coach and the evening training sessions start again in April so that gives me a month to get in shape/ healthy to try and start at least training again. The Bath regional is on 30th April so that gives me 59 days to get in some kind of shape 🙂

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