I woke up this morning and did my weigh-in and I was surprised that I am down to 105.3kgs this morning! Its even more surprising as I haven’t been able to ride the track yet as I hurt my shoulder closing the container door on Sunday so I have stayed off of the jump bike for a bit until my shoulder heals! I have also been eating a lot of crisps and chocolate as I am depressed that I can’t ride :- ) I have been going into the office and back on the ebike and walking a fair bit when in the office so that may have helped a bit. I was expecting my weight to have been higher as I was 106kgs all weekend so I was expecting to be at least that this morning so pretty happy with the 105.3kgs 🙂 Its a solid 0.4kgs loss from last weeks official weigh-in so I will take it 🙂
That being said 105.3kgs is still 16.6 Stones which is A LOT! Its about 1/2 a stone down on my 17 stones weight at the start of the year which is pretty good but I have a long way to go to get to my goal weight of 11 stones 9lbs 🙁
I worked out that if I keep losing at least 0.4kgs a week for the rest of the year I will hit 86.9kgs or 13.7 Stones by the end of the year. This means 2 things! 1. I need to up my exercise levels to get to my target weight, 2. If I just keep intermittent fasting I should be significantly lighter by the end of the year even if I don’t make my target weight! Just under 14 stones is way better than 17 stones anyway but I really want to get down to my target weight by the end of the year and get into proper BMX shape to race Nationals again in 2024!
Yesterday I cancelled my gym membership as I am not using it so it was a waste of £45 a month! I also cancelled my Zwift membership as I was not using that either so I saves another £14 a moth there! I also had to turn my gym area back into my Son’s bedroom as my ex wife is giving me my sofa back so I had to make space for it in the lounge which meant no more gym area! I hadn’t been using the gym area anyway so its not a big deal and it makes the lounge feel way less cramped anyway so its not a huge issue. I also bought a turbo trainer that was down from £150 to £40 as I am not getting on with the smart trainer and Zwift so I thought that I would go old school and train on a turbo trainer again 🙂 I will leave it setup next to my son’s bed so that I can ride it and watch TV in an evening instead of lying on my son’s bed and watching TV so I can chill and lose weight at the same time. I did this before when I lived in Brazil and I lost a bunch of weight so I think that its worth another try! If it works then great, if not I can use it to take to races to get my legs spinning before races instead so its not a big expense. I am going to clean and get the smart trainer on the internet to sell today as its just money sitting around doing nothing at the moment!
I am just getting ready to go for a ride on the new mtb with my Son once he gets out of bed! as I have the day off so I don’t want to waste the day and I haven’t had a chance to try out the mtb yet 🙂 I will then setup my Tacx Galaxia rollers for the MTB until the turbo trainer arrives early next week.
This afternoon I plan to sort out my garage so that I can clear some space to get the rollers setup in there and make a pain cave to use the rollers when its wet or I can’t be bothered to go out for a ride. I also think that I am going to build a sprint bike that can go on the rollers all the time so that I can do sprint sessions on the rollers until the weather is better and it gets lighter in the mornings then I can start doing sprints in the track carpark again! I have a dialled 24″ frame that I am not using at the moment that I can use for the sprint bike and I have a set of Shimano DXR hubs that I am building up at the moment that I can use for the build too. I also have pretty much the rest of the parts for the built apart from some forks so I am looking for some forks at the moment on ebay! I even have a 36t Sprocket that will work with my Redline 3 piece cranks so I can get the bike up and running pretty soon.
Got my Son out of bed and we went for a quick bike ride with him on the ebike and me on the mtb and I really liked the mtb apart from I put the seat too low when I set it! For some reason I thought that the seat clamp needed and allen key when it was in fact a quick release seat clamp! So I suffered with a too low seat clamp all ride!
We didn’t go for it at all which is what I needed anyway as I just need to get the slow miles in to build my base fitness up before I start doing the BMX specific training but we did almost an hour ride and I was feeling fine afterwards so it was worth doing and apart from the first 10 minutes I wasn’t really out of breath at all.
My Son was a bit put out that on the way back I was rolling faster than he was peddling on the ebike as when the motor cuts out at 15 miles an hour it acts as a break so I was way faster than him on the way back as its mostly down hill 🙂
I have decided that I am going to put flat pedals on the mtb as I am not pushing it and it makes it way easier to get on and off and stops your feet getting cold and numb as flat shoes are warmer than clipless shoes for some reason! It also means that I can get used to riding flats so when I get on the jump bike it feels normal. I am also planning on riding the mtb to the office more so that I at least get a bit of exercise and using the ebike just to ride to the track on for now. It will actually be faster to ride to the office on the mtb as it is basically down hill or flat all the way there. And I don’t think that it will be much slower on the way home either as there is only one big hill to ride up so it should be fine. I am taking the pedals off of my Son’s Jump bike for now as he is not using it that much and then I will put some plastic pedals on his bike as he isn’t bothered about what pedals he has as he doesn’t like riding it much anyway 🙂
I have just taken one of my water bottles off of my road bike and put it on the mtb too so that I can take some water on my rides as well to stay hydrated. I also put one on my ebike as well so that I can carry water to the office and to the track in my water bottle instead of having to carry it on my back in my bag.
I have also just bought a couple more SodaStream bottles so that it is less hassle making up my sparkling water as at the moment I only have one bottle so I have to keep making a new bottle up every 2 glasses which gets annoying so now I can always have another bottle or 2 ready to go throughout the day and only have to make up new bottles every 6 glasses therefore making my life easier. Talking of making my life easier I have also bought a magnetic computer cable holder also from Amazon to make it easier to find the cables for my mac mini when ever I take it to the office. At the moment when I take the mac mini to the office I have to take all of the cables out of it and no matter how neatly I leave them organised, by the time i get home they have all fallen down the back of the desk somewhere and it takes ages to find them all to cable the mac mini back up! With the cables stuck to the desk this should hopefully stop happening all the time so I can connect the Mac mini back up stress free every time. I think that the £18 price tag will be well worth the stress reduction if it works 🙂
This afternoon we are organising the garage so that my flat can be less rammed with stuff and I can reduce my stress of constantly tripping up on things all the time like I do at the moment!