I woke up at 5:30 this morning and did my weekly weigh-in and I am 104.2kgs. This is not bad but I am a 0.2kgs up from last week which was a bit of a surprise as my love handles and belly have shrunk a lot over the past week or so! I guess that I have put on some muscle weight after the weekends BMX training as I can see my arms and legs are getting more defined!
For the month I lost 1.1kgs which is really good and about what I was planning to lose a month to lose weight healthily. The weight loss is even more impressive as I have not improved my diet yet and I have been drinking coca cola a lot this month!
06/08/2021 | 105.3 |
08/08/2021 | 105 |
16/08/2021 | 104.8 |
23/08/2021 | 104 |
30/08/2021 | 104.2 |
I also did not walk as much as I planned this week and only made my 10000 step goal one day last week.
I have decided to rest this morning as my body is really sore from the weekends exertion so I need to rest and recover before starting the weeks training.
I have decided that I am going to revise my training program and take Mondays and Thursdays as rest days going forwards as Mondays I am sore from the weekend and Thursdays I am sore from Basketball.
On rest days I will only get my 10000 steps in and stretch on the evening and that is it.
My training program will now look something like this:
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday | |
AM | Walking | Road Bike | Walking | Walking | Road Bike | BMX | BMX |
AM | Study | Study | Study | Study | Study | BMX | BMX |
PM | REST | BMX Sprints / Manuals | Match | REST | BMX Sprints / Manuals | Walking | Walking |
PM | Stretch | Stretch | Stretch | Stretch | Stretch | Stretch | Stretching |
This basically means that by resting Monday and Thursday’s I have naturally dropped the conditioning workouts from my training for now. I was already thinking that I may have been taking on too much at once and I have proven this to be the case already and I haven’t even started my training yet 🤣 I also have to study so I am dropping the basketball specific training for now too fit in an hour or so’s study before work. I think September and October I should focus on getting my base fitness better, improving my flexibility and on dropping my weight before starting specific basketball training.
So for September the only changes I have made to my schedule are going out on the road bike Tuesday and Friday mornings and doing sprints and Manual training on Tuesday and Friday nights. This will increase the load on my body to promote weight loss without putting too much stress on it and hopefully it will stop me getting sick or injured which is what normally happens when I go from doing not much to training a lot!
By increasing slowly I hope have my body prepared for adding more intense training in the coming month. The next thing to add will be Basketball specific drills which I will have to put in during my lunch break as it will be the only time that the sun will be up during the winter months! In the new year I will change things up by adding gym workouts 2-3 days a week, these will most likely have to be scheduled for early mornings and will most likely have to take place on my days off (Monday and Thursdays) to fit them in without over training too much.
I got my 10000 steps in by 20:30 pm this evening but my stomach was really bad so not looking great for tomorrow’s training.
I also forgot that there was club training at the moment on Tuesday nights so I signed up for that and went along and had a really good time and it was a great workout too. Next week I need to get there earlier so that I can be fully warmed up before the training starts as I was blowing out of my arse in the warmup and then was fine once I was warmed up. We did a lot of manuals and jumping like we did at the weekend so it tied in with the training that I had already done.
Because of the training I didn’t get my steps in again today.