

I woke up at 6:30 this morning after deciding to have a bit of a lie in last night 🙂 I woke up 5 minutes before the alarm which made it a good morning.

I then did a weigh in and was shocked to see that I had put on 2 kgs as I was 109.7kgs!!! I then weighed myself a few more times and they were all 107.6kgs so I took it that I was 107.6kgs and that I need to buy some new scales when I get paid as these scales are not very accurate!!

I will take 107.6kgs as it means that I haven’t put on any weight even though I have been drinking a lot of Coca Cola over the last 2 weeks!

Talking of Coca Cola, I am going to take advantage of the Golden Jubilee bank holidays and stop drinking Coca Cola Wednesday night so that I have 4 days to detox and come down from the caffeine and sugar withdrawal before I have to go to work again so hopefully I will be over the worst of the headaches etc by then!

This week I plan to start to ramp up my training to try and get to my full training load by the end of the week. Having the bank holiday this weekend should mean that I don’t have any excuses to not get the training done! I should also be able to get more rinding in as well! I may even take a couple of early morning sessions at Bristol in to get some training on a longer track before the weekend!


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