Walking done

This morning I was going to go to the pump track early but when I got up I checked my messages and had to work 🙁 So I got a bunch of stuff done then showered and went into the office for about 6:30 then worked until 12:30 then walked home again.

I ate about 14:30 so I did a really good intermittent fast today! By the time I ate I wasn’t even feeling hungry to be honest I just knew that I needed to eat before I started work again!

As I am paying for the gym on Wednesday I decided to wait until I pay for the gym to start weights as I can then get into a routine of walking to the gym, working out and walking home before work in the mornings. I was super tired and stressed so I decided to chill other than doing some cleaning after work and before my on call!

I got to watch some of the worlds at Rock Hill while I was on call which was cool.

By the end of the day I was on 10487 steps so got over 10000 steps in but way below 15000 steps I was planning! I also managed to not drink any fizzy drinks either so that is 3 days without fizzy!


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