I woke up with my alarm super tired as I didn’t get to bed until 22:30 last night so only 6/5 hours sleep max 🙁 I have decided that Tuesdays are pretty much impossible to go to the gym as I am super tired from working a super long shift on Mondays and also getting to sleep late so it makes it really hard to get up on Tuesday mornings 🙁 I have decided that I will move my gym days back to Wed and Friday and either Sat or Sun with my son so I will get my 1st session at the gym tomorrow morning.
When I got up about 5:15 after a real battle not to go back to sleep I did my weigh in and I have dropped another 0.4 kgs today so I am now down to 107.7kgs so I have dropped 1.2 kgs since Friday when I stopped drinking fizzy drinks when I was 108.9kgs! I knew a lot of my weight issues were due to fizzy drinks but I wasn’t aware of just how quickly it was causing me to add weight until this weekend as I have done very little exercise other than yesterday when I did my morning walk rode to and from the office and walked around in the office as well! Even so I didn’t do an amazing amount of exercise and I never worked up a sweat at all all day!
It will be interesting to see how the weight drops when I actually start working out at the gym and start riding the BMX again from tomorrow! Although I fully expect my weight to go up a bit when I start as I will be adding muscle on top of burning fat and muscle is heavier than fat! As my goal is to strip fat not lose weight its all good!
At 5:30 I went for my morning walk around my usual loop so I am now on 4984 steps so far for the day already! Another added benefit of the walking in the morning is that it gets the waster moving in the colons so I think a lot of the weigh I am losing is stopped poop from my colons so that’s good weight loss anyway 🙂 The last 2 days I have almost been having accidents when walking home so its deffo clearing me out 🙂
So so far this week I have reinforced the fat that:
- Fizzy drinks make me fat
- Walking makes me feel better
- Intermittent fasting helps with weight loss
So essentially if I can not drink fizzy drinks and walk every day in about 6 months I should be in a good place weight and fitness wise 🙂
So my goals for the rest of the year are:
- Don’t drink Fizzy Drinks
- Walk 10000 steps or more for the rest of the year
- Weight Train 3 x a week (2x legs, 1x Upper Body)
- Intermittent fast every day
- Go out on the road bike at least 3 x a week
For the rest of the year I am going to build some consistency back into my life and get at least 10000 steps as day back into my routine and force myself to walk in the evening if I haven’t made the 10000 steps during the day again as that was working really well for getting me lighter and healthier and also it got me moving more throughout the day which is always a good thing! It also sorted my back out which is a bonus! I also need to start weight training regularly to try and heal all of the various injuries I have picked up from the past 8 years of BMX racing which stop me training properly or consistently as they keep flaring up all the time! I am going to switch my focus from BMX training being the most important thing to focus on getting lean and healthy for the rest of the year and riding the BMX for fun more than to get faster. I am going to swap out my BMX lunch sessions with road bike rides instead to get a base fitness built up and also get as lean as possible to start BMX training in the new year. When I am on the BMX track I will focus more on skills than going fast to get my skill level up to the same or better level than my speed to try and stay healthy when I start racing again.