10000 Steps: Day 1 – Morning walk didn’t go so well this morning.

30 day challenge

Didn’t make 10000 steps on my walk this morning

Amazon delivered my Calf compression sleeve (referred to as sleeve from now on) last night around 6pm which is amazing as I ordered it at 8:30 am yesterday!! I wore the support over night to get it to stretch to the correct size and so I was ready to use it this morning.

I was surprised to note that my left leg felt much better when I woke up and also my back felt much better too which was weird. I guess that the support is stretching whatever it is that is tight and causing my issues in the first place!

This has made me think that all I need to do is get back into stretching daily and it will resolve my issues! So I plan to start stretching again this evening!

Decided to walk with my son again this morning as I was feeling a bit tired after the BMX training at the track yesterday and I didn’t want to overdo it too much.

I walked my son to near his school and then started to go on my walk when I started to get stomach pains so I took a quicker route home to avoid an accident.

My knee and shin felt much better with the sleeve on although I didn’t get as much of a test as I would have liked due the stomach issues but it was enough of a test to see that the sleeve worked and was not a waste of £10. I only used the sleeve on my gammy leg as the majority of my ailments are on the left side of my body with the exception of my right ankle that now has so few ligaments left that it is basically not held together any more!

My walk this morning worked out to be 5645 steps not not a bad walk (just under 40 minutes) and it has got rid of a big chunk of my 10000 target for the day! I will go for a walk in the evening to make up the deficit if needed but I think I should be able to make up the rest while at the track later and also bumbling around at home so I am confident that I will get the steps in today.

I have decided that I am going to start to monitor the number of days that I can consecutively do my 10000 step walk in the mornings to see if I can make it 30 days in a row then see if I can carry on to make it to 365 days walking 10000 steps a day to see the effect that that has on my body.

To make it easier to keep track of I am going to call the series 10000 Steps (starting with this post) and add a new category to group the series. I also need to remember to start Strava when I leave the house and stop it when I get home again so that I can map all of my routes over the month to make the series a bit more interesting and also to journal my process along the way so that I can go back over it at a later date.

It is now 10pm and I managed to get to 14033 steps so far today so the fact that I only managed just over 5000 steps this morning wasn’t an issue. I had forgotten that I had to go to the doctor’s and the supermarket as well as build a couple of bikes as well. I also had to take some stuff to my garage as well which got the steps up even more.

I didn’t manage to get the track today either so the steps were 100% walking too.



1 thought on “10000 Steps: Day 1 – Morning walk didn’t go so well this morning.”

  1. Pingback: Track training day 2 - 01/04/2021 - New Cranks - NikBmx.Life

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