Up early and 10000 Steps completed!

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Up early and 10000 Steps completed!

I woke up at 4am this morning due to acid reflux and also forgetting to turn my laptop off so it was receiving a bunch of messages when restores finished and beeping to let me know!

What ever it was I was wide awake so I got up and took some medicine for the reflux and then messed around on my phone until about 5:15 then got ready and went for my walk at about 5:30!

walkIt was really dark when I left and it was about 6am before it got really light this morning which means that winder is well and truly on its way 🙁

I felt good walking this morning and my knee only gave way a couple of times which is way better than yesterday’s walk! As I was feeling good I took a slightly longer route today so I walked 5:85 miles in 1 hour 38 minutes and walked 11405 steps.

Depending when my chain gets here I may take the cruiser to the track after work this afternoon to test it out before I go to Bristol in the morning for a proper training session.

The chain arrived about 18:30 so I tried to get it fitted to go for a ride and then found that the brake had issues too so I gave up on riding today.

I got the bike to a point where all it needs now is the brake so I will pop into crucial tomorrow and get a new calliper and cable then the cruiser will be ready to ride. I can make do with the 20″ for the weekend anyway 🙂

I finished the day with 15330 steps completed so a pretty good today for the day!

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