I got to gates as planned but my Son decided that he liked the Octane One Zircus 2022 more than the Dialled MX20R so he rode the Octane One Zircus 2022 and I rode the Dialled.
Unfortunately after 3 or 4 gates I aggravated my shoulder and had to stop riding 🙁 I did however have a quick ride in the Octane One Zircus 2022 and the gearing feels close enough to be useable and it rides so much better with a lower seat 🙂
When I got home I cut down the gusset seat post so that it can be used on the track. I figured as I have the seat and post from my 4X bike that will work with the Octane one Zircus with an adapter and the seat post is longer than the Gusset post I can use that one to ride to work with and the Gusset post with its seat to ride everything else with when the seat needs to be slammed!
And for riding to work:
I still need to find a way to remove the left hand grip from the bike as the grip is upside down and the screw that holds it on is rounded off so I can’t get it to come loose. It is looking like I will have to drill the screw out as the removal drill bits that I have did not work! On the plus side I found a set of ODI Vans grips in the boot of my car so I will be able to swap them out once I get the grip off!