I woke up as normal at 5:30, got ready and was out of the house by 5:45. I wasn’t feeling great so I did as flat a walk as possible this morning. My throat is feeling a lot better but my teeth are still hurting a lot and my body doesn’t feel right still! I also managed to drop a set of bike cranks on the little toe next to the toe I think I broke the other day so my left foot is really sore!
It was also raining a lot and got heavier as my walk went on so all in all a bit of a depressing walk this morning although I feel way better for doing it and I have done 8549 steps all ready and its just after 7am. I am now going into the shower as I am soaking wet and starting to get cold!
According to Strava I walked 4.11 miles , 8570 steps and walked for 1h 12m which was a good effort.
I will most likely be able to get the rest of my 11000 steps done by organising the flat as I still have a lot to do once the new Bed frame arrives. i am super happy with the changes that I made last night after work to get the lounge in basically the configuration that it will be in once the bed is in place. The changes mean that the lounge feels way more open and uncluttered even though it is pretty cluttered at the moment due to waiting for the bed to arrive but last night I was actually able to sit on the sofa and watch TV although the old day bed that my son used to sleep in was way more comfortable than the sofa is but the lounge is way more usable than it was before. Also getting my Son’s desk and computer under the bed will free up a bunch of space that we didn’t have before as the bed, desk, potentially a cupboard AND the vinyl cutter can all fit in the space that the day bed fitted in before.
Once the bed is here and built I can then start to re-organise the lounge properly and finally setup my treadmill under the desk so that I can start walking while I’m working as well to try and kick start some decent weight loss and add another healthy habit into my daily routine. I estimate that walking while working will more than likely double my daily steps to around 22000 a day which will be really good for my health in general but also my weight loss.
Unfortunately due to all the re-organising my bedroom is currently full of stuff that would normally be in the lounge like my son’s mattress, duvet and pillows as well as a bunch of boxes that used to live under his bed so I wouldn’t have been able to do weights this morning even if I was feeling well enough (Which I am not!) so I am hoping that the new bed frame arrives so that I can get everything organised this afternoon after work and then I can work out tomorrow morning after my walk.
My walk this morning highlighted that I urgently need to buy a decent set of waterproofs as the ones that I have at the moment are showerproof at best 🙁 I will start to look out for some decent walking waterproofs and get some when I get paid in the middle of April.
So I found a reasonably priced Waterproof jacket on Sports Direct so I decided to buy it so it will be here next week sometime so once it arrives I will be dry and warm when walking in the tsunamis that I have to walk in at the moment! It also means that I will be able to walk to work and be dry when I gat there! I don’t need to get any waterproof trousers as I found some in my draw that I forgot I had 🙂
I have decided that I want to do 30 days of walking every day to see what that does for me weight wise consistently walking every day first thing in the morning. So far I am on day 4 of walking every day as I took Monday off as I wasn’t feeling well so I started again on 28/03/2023 so I will try and walk every day until 28/04/2023 and see how it goes. I will not focus on the step count as much as I will being consistent as my walks are usually around 8000 steps in the morning so that will be enough to see some change.
My Daily step counts so far are as follows:
1 | 28/03/2023 | 11077 |
2 | 29/03/2023 | 8334 |
3 | 30/03/2023 | 11641
This means that I have averaged only 10351 steps per day over the past 3 days so for the next couple of days I will try and do more than the 11000 steps so that I can get my average to over 11000 steps then I can make sure that I do over 11000 steps for the rest of the 30 days.
I am on over 9000 steps already so I should be well over 11000 steps again by tonight so over the weekend I can go on a longer walk as I don’t have work at all so I will be back on track.