I woke up really sore from the weights that I did last night which wasn’t a lot just 4 x 15 bench press with the bar + 2 x 5kgs and 4 x 15 barbell curls with 6kgs each side and a few squats wit hthe bar to find out my shoulder mobility is still too limited for squats!
I did get showered and dressed at 5 am and then walk to the office and fix a couple of servers then walk home and when I got home I was on 6666 steps which I thought was kind of cool as in the months of walking i have never hit 4 of the same number when I got home so its a first for me 🙂
As its a rest day I will do more cleaning after work to make up for the lack of exercise as the flat is a mess still so it needs sorting as its driving me mental at the moment!