Snow day 😁

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So I woke up without an alarm at 4:45 and got up for a wee. I then let the dog out only to see about 3 inches of snow covering everything!

The dog didn’t notice until she got outside then she realised as soon as her feet hit the s ow and jumped back in the house again 🀣

I guess that I will be walking on the treadmill today and getting lots of housework done 😁

As I have my car back on the road I have decided that I am going to the track every day apart from Monday at lunch time and I am going to just ride the jump bike and see if I can get used to riding it and see if I can’t learn to jump and manual properly! I figure as I am not racing this year I may as well get something out of this restaurant year and build up my skills instead.

As the first straight is closed at the moment as we are waiting on tarmac on the starthill inwil actually ride the rest of the track instead! I plan to start on the tabletop and relearn how to jump that then once I can consistently jump that I will move on to the 3rd and 4th straights and work ond getting them jumped!

I am setting a goal of being able to jump all the jumps on the 3rd straight by June and then I will move into trying to jump the first straight after that 😁 I want to get to a point by the end of the summer where I am riding full laos and jumping most of the jumps and catching clean backsides to make it easier to carry speed and make full laps enjoyable again!

I think that it will also be light enough now to start riding again in the evening after work too so I am going to start doing that next week too to get some more riding in.

I think by doing this and adding weights to the mix I will soon lose weight without trying and build on my increased fitness that I have gained from the consistent 10000 steps a day over the past few months!

Talking about walking, I need to make a more converted effort to ruck in the mornings again as I was really feeling the benefits of it but I stopped this week due to having the dog here and also the fact that its been really raining first thing for the last few days ☹️

So from Tuesday next week my daily routine will change to:

5:00 – 6:30 – Ruck

6:30 – 11:30 – Work

11:00 – eat

11:30 – 13:30 – Lunch and BMX track

13:30 – 16:00 – Work (Walking on treadmill)

16:00 – 17;30 – BMX track

17:30 – 18:00 – Eat and then cleaning 30 minutes

18:00 – 19:00 – Weights

19:00 – 20:00 – shower then learning and blog

20:00 – 21:00 – reading

21:00 – 5:00 – Sleep

I think that this routine will be a good way to trigger habit chaining or whatever it’s called. For example

Finish work, go to the track and ride, get back from the track eat and clean for 30 minutes. Finish cleaning, do weights, finish weights then shower and do my learning and blogging, finish that read then sleep. It should be pretty easy to build these habits one after the other pretty easily and I can also cut out TV during the week too 😁

I have also decided to go back to intermittent fasting and I will start my eating window at 11:00 so I can be fuelled up ready to ride at 11:30 and the. Eat again when I get home from the track again at 13:30 and then eat again when I get back from the track at 17:30 then I am done with eating until the next day!

I am hoping that by just focusing on riding and having fun for a while I will get the love of training back again as it’s been a real slog to train over the past few years as I have been really out of shape and carrying loads of little niggly injuries that have been making riding difficult and deffo not fun!

I know if I just increase the volume of riding that I do the weight will start to drop off and that will make riding more enjoyable too. I think by forgetting about going fast this year and just riding and building skills I will naturally get smoother and faster without trying as a by product of riding so much! That is as long and I keep pushing myself out of my comfort zone all the time! This is why I want to focus on improving my jumping and manuals so that I keep trying new things and pushing myself! I know that as soon as jumping starts to feel natural again I will start to try new things again and I will no doubt improve quickly!

I have seen from the kids that go to the track regularly and just play at jumping that they improve so fast it’s crazy. One of the kids went from casing the first jump consistently to jumping every jump on the track in about 2 months so hopefully I can do the same! I guess as my walking has shown, if you are consistent with something then you get better at it really quickly so I want to test that theory with BMX!

I am thinking with my jumping training that in my lunchtime session I practice more on my technique for an hour going slowly then in the afternoon I put that technique into practice on the track and have fun. That way I can get my body primed at lunch time and then add speed in the afternoon and work on my flow and stringing jumps together and just enjoy it 😁 I think by doing that I will improve faster than just riding and jumping for 2 hours a day! It will also mean that I can be more serious andΒ  focused at lunchtime and just chill and ride in the afternoon so I get the best if both worlds! As I can’t do much today riding wise I have been watching videos on how to jump to get the technique down ready to hit the ground running at lunch time on Tuesday! I am also thinking that I will hit pump tracks or other BMX tracks early both days at the weekend to improve my skills and ride somewhere different at the weekend as I will have been riding 100% Bath track all week and I didn’t want it to get boring. I think that once I can jump consistently Bristol track will be a good next step to progress my jumping as they have a lot of jumps and a lot of them are off camber so will help to get comfortable with throwing the bikeΒ  around. I am thinking that I may race the jump bike in their summer race series to get doing some jumpy full laps at speed and have a bit of fun 😁 As I’m on flats and a jump bike I will not be expecting to do well so will be less compatible and just have fun 😁

I am going to add a tooth to the front sprocket on the jump bike too to make it similar to the 37 x 16 that I have in the Curtis at the moment so both bikes feel the same 😁

I fell just short of my 10000 steps goal today at 9747 steps but thats close enough for me πŸ™‚

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