Ruck Challenge 4.1

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So last night I was bored and there was nothing on TV and I was doing my learning and I was drifting off as I was not 100% into what I was learning and I started thinking about how my habit building is going and I realised apart from my Walking/Rucking and cleaning 30 minutes I have not been consistent with any of the other habits that I have been wanting to build!

I have also realised that my evenings are soon going to get busier especially Thurs and Friday when I will be at the track doing gates so I need to nail these habits down more and work around the gates a bit too. My Morning Routine/ Ruck is pretty locked in now so I need to focus more energy on my Lunch time and Evening Routine! I am spasmodic at best at lunch times and I need to be more consistent with leaving work at 12:00 on the dot and going to the track straight away! I have decided to do sprints again on Tues (60m), Thur (30m) and Saturday (10m) before riding the track as I enjoy sprints and seem to be more committed to go if I am doing sprints! Also my hand and wrist are better sprinting than riding the track at the moment so I will start doing them again! I was pretty used to the 37×16 gearing already but doing sprints will get me spinning the gearing again really quickly! After sprints I will ride the track for a bit a swell and work on manuals and jumping when my wrist will allow me to! On Wednesdays I will Just do full laps which at the moment is basically pump laps but I want to start to get pump laps where I get to add manuals and jumping as well after a while!

So from Monday straight after work will be my cleaning 30 minutes, followed by my 30 minutes of weights Mon, Tues, Thur and Friday I will do stretching on Wednesday and weights may have to be when I get home from the track on Thur, Friday as I will be going to the track to ride anyway! Saturday and Sunday I need to start doing more on my blog as well because I have done nothing on that for about a month! Although I have been doing nothing interesting to write about as work has been sucking the life out of me for the past couple of months! That all changes tomorrow! I will make a concerted effort to start working on the blog again!

My week is basically going to be spent at Bath track so at the weekend I want to start going to Bristol track more and also start going to pump tracks to get more well rounded at other places other than Bath track and have different jumps and challenges to deal with! I am thinking I will do Saturday first thing at Patchway and Sunday first thing at a pump track (Most likely Temple cloud for now! but the council have said that they are happy for us to dig at the jumps over the road from my house so I can stay local and play if I like too!) The jumps also means that If I like on Wed and at the weekend I have other options other than the track to ride as well 🙂

This morning I woke up with my alarm at 5am then wanted to go back to sleep but talked myself into getting up and getting my day started! I did my weigh in and I was surprised that I had dropped over 1kg yesterday so I dropped from 107.4 kgs to 106.3 kgs! No idea how but there you go! I really think that my scales are not working properly but they will have to do for now!

share 7494868348405305483I have just got back from my ruck and I’m feeling so good for it so I’m glad I talked myself into it this morning 🙂 I walked on the 2 tunnels loop again this morning and walked for about 45 minutes and walked 2.59 miles and did 5495 steps I’m on 5755 steps now so that about right as I was on just under 300 steps (280 I think)  when I started.

So I am more than half way to my 10000 steps already and its not 7am 🙂

I have just remembered that I am covering my college’s on call on Tuesday nights which means that it will be more difficult to get in a routine in the evening and on a positive I get Tuesday AND Wednesday afternoons off for 2 weeks 🙂  I will try and get the weights sessions in but it may be a bit difficult depending on how involved on call is! Some nights you are waiting for things to finish and have nothing to do and other nights you spend the whole shift fixing things 🙁 I guess that we will see how it goes!

Today I am going to play with setting up my work laptop with Ansible so tomorrow I will re-do it and document it on my blog so I have it documented and its a new page too 🙂 On the subject of the blog I am going to try and get to the point where I am adding 2 new posts a week (Wed and Saturday probably) so that I can get the number of pages going up to try and start getting more ad revenue as at the moment I am making about £1 a month from adds which is free money but its not really going to change my life any time soon 🙁 Most posts that make decent money have at least 1000 pages and mine currently has 105 posts so I have a long way to go but I will get there with a bit of time and work! This should get easier as I am totally over Amazon Prime and Netfilx so I am voluntarily doing my study time watching IT related youtube videos so that will naturally lead to more posts over time as I have more to document. I am also thinking that over time I will do a website per topic and get them monetised then use my main site as kind of a landing page in the future. I have started making my glpi category into a website and get it monetised so I think that I will concentrate on getting that sorted and monetised first than start making the other sites into web pages over the course of the year. Hopefully that will lead to increased traffic and therefore increased revenue as the page site is more static which seems to make it easier for google to direct traffic to the site then. As each site will be ultra specific it also makes it easier to do SEO to increase traffic too.

I decided to walk on the treadmill after my call finished at about 10:30 so I was over 10000 steps before 12:00! I was then surprised by a courier bringing this:

The paint is rough but it will do for the summer then I will get it stripped and powder coated in the winter when I’m not using its so much! it is heavy as advertised but looks super strong so should be good for years to come 🙂 I can’t wait to get the wheels built and get it built up. I have been looking online and checking the frame and there is no clearance for a 25t front sprocket so a 25×11 gearing with a 24×2.1″ rear tyre is a 56.01 rollout which is higher again than the 37×16 that I run on my Cruiser (54.35 rollout) but it will do for playing at the track and the skatepark and riding to work as well 🙂

Lil MonsterI had a quick look on the Black Market website and it looks like the Conspiracy is now called the Mommy’s Lil Monster 24″ so for $599 i can get a new frame! To be honest if I really like the frame I will just get Gary at Curtis to make me one with similar geo to this one 🙂 But a new Black Market might be an option too!

After seeing the raw frame I have decided to raw the frame now as it looks so good and its really cheap to do too! We will see how it comes out I guess! My friend did this with his cult 20″ and it looks really good so this should hopefully be a cheap way to get the bike looking good! I have some paint stripper here at home anyway so that makes it even cheaper 🙂 It should then cost me about £6 for a can of clearcoat to seal the frame once its done 🙂 I think that is going to be my Sunday project 🙂

I have also found a black Market logo to use to make stickers from:

Black Market Logo VectorI will do an all black logo for my bike but the red and black looks pretty good too 🙂

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