Riding again today


After doing chores all day yesterday I am going to the track for 11 today to meet some friends and ride.

I have sorted out my cupboard and started organising my flat and I can’t do any more of my bike builds as I am waiting on parts to arrive. I have hung the Sunday and the Zircus frame in my room to get them out of the way.

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I also cleaned my Son’s Meybo frame and put that on the wall.


I also cleaned the speedco frame ready to post it for sale on the internet.



After riding I will go to my parents house and pick up the power washer then I can put up some more frame hooks to get the speedco on the wall out of the way and rearrange my desk area and move the skateboard to another wall and hand a frame above my desk. I will also power wash the dialled frame and hang it in the wall above the TV.

I then need to tidy my bedroom and lounge and then sweep and mop through the house and the flat will be back to normal instead of looking like a bike shop 🤦‍♂️

**** Update****

So I got to the track about 11am and stayed until about 15:00. I did mostly 1st straights today as the first straight was running super fast! I managed to do a bunch of first straights where I manualled both jumps and got so much speed that I almost couldn’t get around the first berm. I even got a couple of straight where I tap manualled both jumps which is a first for me 🙂

I also did some 3rd straights but hurt my knee as the 3rd jump is a deep jump and it turns out that it is too deep for me really!

Tomorrow I will get up early and go and do some sprints in the car park near my house before worn and then after work I will pop up the track and ride the jump bike until the training session starts. I want to start trying to jump the 2nd and 3rd jumps on the 3rd straight as that is the fastest way to get through the straight and it will also keep my knee in one piece! I am planning to go to Bristol on Wednesday for racing/ gates so that I can work on my conditioning a bit and then Thursday I will practice the 2nd and 3rd straights a bit more on the race bike. I will take Friday off as I have Matt’s training on Saturday and then it is the Bath Regional on the Sunday 🎉


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