Reworking Training again

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I woke up at 5 am got ready and then started work at 5:30 and then at 6 am I got dressed and went for my morning walk on my usual loop and got my first 5000 steps in.

On my walk I was mulling over my training and I have decided to do the following training:

Monday = Weights

Tuesday = Gates

Wednesday = Track Lunchtime and Weights in the evening

Thursday = Sprints at lunchtime and gates in the evening

Friday = Road Ride

Saturday = Sprints + Track

Sunday = Rest

This will mean that I get a full days rest on Sundays and 3/4 of a days rest on Mondays so that should be plenty of rest especially as I will most likely be resting all afternoon/ evening on Saturdays too as I plan to be doing my sprints and track session early to get it done and out of the way so that I can get on with my day before most people are out of bed 🙂

I plan to start next Monday (29/04/2024) as next week is the run up to the Bath Regional on 28/04/2024 so I will spend next week trying to get my body to be able to do full laps as I am racing and haven’t done a full speed full lap for well over a year 🙁

After the race I will probably not race any more this year which is why I want to start training the day after the race and then keep going for the rest of the year!

I have done the second coat of paint on the Black Market Contraband 24″ frame this morning so it should be ready to build up tomorrow night although it looks pretty crap I will hold off on getting it powder coated until the winter if I like the frame. Otherwise I will stick it on the wall as is as a reminder of why I shouldn’t paint bike frames and to always take them to be powder coated from now on! The paint job is good enough the protect the frame and looks better than it did before so it will be fine! And from a distance it looks pretty good so it will do for now!

Also once it has some stickers on it I think it will look less bad too 🙂

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So I went to the track for gates just before 6 pm and was doing dome gates and my back was a bit sore but I pushed on then 3 or 4 gates after that my knee went so I called it a day 🙁 My wrist is also pretty sore so I’m glad that I stopped when I did! I think that I need to buy some different grips as well to see if the grips are to blame for my wrist a bit too.

Luckily I had been thinking about buying some 170 mm cranks to stop my knee hurting so I bought some IXF Amazon special 170mm 68/78 2 piece cranks from Amazon to try and see if that helps my knee pain and also helps with the issues that i have been having going from the 1st to second pedal out of the gate recently! It worked last time so I think that it should. I am also going to drop back to 36 x 16 again to get my gates back too. Once I see how the 170 mm cranks feel I will sell my 175mm DXR’s and get some 170mm DXR’s again. There is a set of second hand 170mm DXR’s for sale at the moment on Facebook so I will see if I can sell mine and get those. If not I will have to save up and get some new ones!

This evening I also picked up the wheels for the Black Market Contraband 24″ build so I will clear coat the frame a couple of times in the morning then it will be ready to build over the weekend.

I will also get my unwanted 26″ jump bike parts cleaned up, photographed and put on line to sell to try and recoup some money so that I can get some 170mm DXR’s sooner! Once I have the DXR’s I will then put the IXF cranks on the GT Pro Series as I am stealing the cranks off of the GT to put on the Black Market for now until I can afford some 170mm Freestyle cranks to go on it!

I have just brought the wheels in from the car and got them out of the box and they look really good and are super light which is really good too 🙂 I have just put the halo rim tape that I had spare in the parts bin so they are ready to put the tyres and tubes on tomorrow. I am going to use tubolitos in the wheels to keep them lighter and hopefully make the bike feel better too 🙂

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