Rest Morning

Curtis patchway

I woke up at 4:45 as planned but I was really sore and my hernia was burning so I decided to have a rest morning as I want to try and stay in one piece until the weekend if possible so that I can race so I went back to sleep until about 8:30-9:00 instead of heading to Patchway!

I am going to chill until this evening when gates are on and then have a proper gates session and do an actual workout not just gates. I plan to do a few gates to start with then do a gate to the first jump then a gate and full speed 1st straight, then a gate and a full speed 1st and 2nd straight then gate and full speed 1st, 2nd and 3rd straight followed by a gate and a full lap burner! I will then rest 10 minutes and do the same again. I will rest 3-5 minutes between gates to fully recover.

My son’s free chromebook arrived this morning so I stole it as he was only going to sell it anyway so I have said that I will buy it as I have been wanting to get something for me to use for my socials and websites and keep my personal stuff seperate from my work stuff and also have something to use in bed!

So Gates didn’t go to plan as my knee started hurting on my second or 3rd gate so I didn’t do too much at all but it was a fun night none the less and I got to have a go on a really upgraded Surron which was really fun and I now see why everyone is riding them! Still don’t agree with them trying to ride on the track but I can see why so many people have them.





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