Rest day!

Couch Potato

I had to take a rest day today as I awake at 5am to get to work early so by the time I finished work the last thing that I wanted to do was drive to Patchway for gates! Instead I went to bed and watched Netflix all evening! Today was also a funny day as I didn’t get a chance to eat until after 14:00 so I felt a bit more weak that I would ususally.

I break my fast with a green smoothie and then about 30 minutes later I had a steak and salad wrap with chips so I resisted the urge to get takeout which is a step in the right direction.

I did ride the Jump bike to and from work so its not like I didn’t do any exercise today but I had to listen to my body and have a chilled day!

I am going to make up for it in the morning by going to the track carpark and doing sprints early in the morning. I am really feeling the lack of legs out of the gate at the moment which I think is due to not doing sprints for about a month again so I have decided to start training consistently from now until the Worlds in August!

I have decided to concentrate on doing one thing a day as I keep trying to do too much in a day and then getting hurt so my schedule will be:

Day Exercise
Monday Full laps at track
Tuesday Gym (legs)
Wednesday Track (gates or Racing) PM
Thursday Sprints
Friday Gym (legs)
Saturday Sprints + Pump Track + Gates
Sunday Rest

As I said before I really want to start doing full laps on a Monday afternoon as I have Monday afternoons off so I will switch my rest day to Sundays as we invariably end up sleeping all day Sunday anyway if we aren’t racing so it makes sense. Obviously after a race weekend where I will have been doing full laps at the weekend I will take Monday as my rest day and not do full laps that week but other than that I plan to keep to doing the full laps on Mondays as I think that it will really benefit me fitness wise and quite possible help with the weight loss. As I have Friday afternoon’s off, I may also got for a 2 hour road bike ride to try and burn a bit more fat off as I am nowhere near my weight goals for the Worlds! In fact I have only lost about 1kg in 5 months which is pretty poor!! From now until the worlds I need to be way more consistent to try and get as fit and as light as possible to try and at least not be blown off of the track!

I also really need to work on my manuals and also jumping so I really need to get more bike time in the evenings instead of vegging out on the couch all the time! I plan to do 15-20 minutes of manuals as a warm up before my track and sprints sessions so hopefully that will help a lot but I really need to focus on them this month to try and get consistently better! Jumping wise, I am going to go to the pump track on Saturday mornings after sprints and before gates which will really help with both manuals and jumping too!

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