I woke up at 5 am again and got showered and went to the pump track again but I took the Curtis this time and it was much better than the Black Market other than the rear tyre was flat and I forgot my pump 🙁
I don’t really like taking the Curtis to the pump track as its a really expensive bike so I am going to try making the Black Market more BMX like so I am going to fit my spare StayStrong 24″ BMX forks to it and stick on BMX bars and stem on and also put on 24 x 1.75 tyres on it too and then see how that makes the bike ride. If it rides OK then I will continue to ride that on the pump track and ride the Curtis on the BMX track. My other option is to get my other Curtis back from my friends who’s son has been borrowing it and use that. That is probably the better option but I will think it over.
I have to get my 175 mm Shimano DXR cranks and my DMR Sect DJ frame on the internet to sell at lunch time today to try and get some money back to put into paying off my debt so that I can start building the Standard OS20 sometime soon! I have to clean and de-grease the DXR’s and wipe the frame down with gt85 to make it shiny then I can take the photos and get it on ebay to sell.
So I have decided that the pump track in the morning is not working for me as I don’t really have enough time so I will go back to my original idea of the gym Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday mornings and then Wednesday morning, Saturday and Sunday I will go to the pump track and ride first thing. The other real issue that I had with the pump track in the morning is that it is hard to get my steps in for the rest of the day so the gym will help with that as I will get about 6000 steps in just going to the gym and back so that will make things easier.
I am updating my Training Planner again now!