Pre – Training Weigh-in (30/03/2021)




Woke up today and did a weigh-in to establish a Pre Training baseline level before I start training ready to start racing again in June. It is important to get a base line of my weight so that I can see how my training is progressing over the year.

Considering that I have not really been riding bikes and I had just come off of 4 night shifts where I hardly did anything the weigh-in was better than I expected 😁

I am currently 106.2kgs so this is a far better starting point than my 109.8kgs at the start of the year. I have also been walking a lot so I have a much better base line fitness that I normally start with at the beginning of the season as I am usually coming back from some kind of broken bone or more!! Thankfully due to Covid I have managed to let all of my previous injuries heal so I am just dealing with the usual age related injuries that I always have (knee, back and ankle issues) so I am pretty positive for a start of a season!

I have set a goal of getting below 100kgs before my first race in June so I have my work cut out but if I put the work in it should be doable.

I plan to do another weigh-in every Sunday for the next couple of months to closely monitor my weight loss to see if I need to change anything up along the way.

Unfortunately I have been slacking on the road bike rides for the past couple of months so I need to start getting a couple of road rides in a week to keep the fitness up and also recover from all the BMX riding that I plan to do.

I have booked this weekends shifts off so I do not return to work until 11th April so I have no excuses for not getting my training done for the first 11 days of next month at least.

I am planning to up my walking to walking at least 10000 steps EVERY DAY on the run up to racing as I is great for warming up the body before riding and also it is really relaxing as well and get me out of bed and focusses for the day!

I have been walking at 6am in the morning as there are are no distractions and not many people about so the walk is much more relaxing than it is during the day.

I am going to change this for the next few days as I have my Son staying with me full time this month while his Mums flat is sorted so I have to get him ready for school from 7am so I am going to walk with him to school and then carry on and do my morning walk on the way home. He is on half term from Friday so I can go back to getting my walks in at 6am from then on.

I am then planning to eat breakfast when I get back from my walk and then do some work on my blogs for a couple hours and then go to the track and get some laps in and work on track skills etc.

I am planning on doing the same warmup every day of 10 x pump laps to work on my pumping and generating speed without pedalling and then pick a straight and do 20x straights in a session. There are 4 straights so I can do this training 4 days a week and then have 3 free sessions to work on skills such as manuals and jumping. I plan to work on 1st straights Monday have a free session Tuesday, 2nd straights Wednesday, 3rd straights Thursday, 4th Straights Friday, Saturday is gates so that is my skill for Saturday (plus an extra 1st straights session) and then Sunday can be rest or free session.

I also plan to get 30 minutes to an hour in on the rollers on the road bike at night to cool down and also 20-30 minutes of stretching before bed to help with the aches and pains and promote recovery.

I may also replace the Sunday free session with a road bike session instead.

With the amount of track work I don’t think there will be a need to do sprints but I may replace a couple of the roller sessions with sprint sessions instead but I will wait a couple of weeks before doing this.


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