October 2020


Weighted myself this morning and I was down to 103.3kgs go figure!

Went out for a short lunch time ride to Wellow and back. Only on was a third best time on one segment as took it easy.


Had a weigh in this morning and I was 104.0kgs which is up from earlier in the week when I was 103.4kgs but after not riding much and eating badly the last couple of days I will take it.

I am going on a long ride tomorrow morning so I should get the weight in check pretty quickly.

14/10/2020 – Day 64

Went on my ride as normal and then when I was getting near the first tunnel I noticed that I had forgotten to put my front light back on after charging it last night 🙁

I didn’t fancy riding through the tunnels without a light so diverted up through the park and onto bear flats. I then went down the hill into town and onto the bath to Bristol cycle path. When I was riding along the river on my way to the cycle path I checked my phone only to find that it had rebooted and lost my progress!!!!

I started strava and carried on with my ride. I decided to go to the Saltford bridge and then turn around and head back as I had to get back to studying. I also decided to jump off the cycle path at the Bath spa university exit and take the main road home for a change.

The part of the ride strava recorded was 7.45 miles and took 33:40 minutes to complete. Bit gutted as I had climbed a pretty big hill and went down a massive one going into town so wanted to see how they stacked up but there you go 🙁

13/10/2020 – Day 63

I was busy studying for a job interview I have on Thurday to go for a long ride but I managed to go for a quick ride to the end of the two tunnels to get a bit of exercise in.

Rode 10.58 miles in 37.53 minutes for an average speed of 16.8mpg and an elevation gain of 349ft.

Got held up a bit by a horse and a crazy person trying to overtake some people in the tunnel while I was riding in the other direction!! but pretty good compared to the last few rides.

12/10/2020 – Day 62

I was too busy at work to take a lunch break so no ride again today.

11/10/2020 – Day 61

Had another super busy ride to Midford and back today along the two tunnels not as fraught with danger as the last ride but still had to slow down a lot.

Rode 7.35 miles in 23:08 with and average speed of 19.1mph so way faster than my last ride (almost 15 minutes faster!!!).

10/10/2020 – Day 60

Didn’t get a chance to ride today as too busy at work and we had to go to the supermarket at lunch time to get food.

09/10/2020 – Day 59

Had a super slow ride to Midford and back today as the cycle path was super busy with dog walkers who had 0 control over their dogs and 0 respect for other users! I even had to miss a dog in the tunnels that was off its lead and had no light or reflective collar to give me a clue as to where it was!!! All in all had to stop to aviod 4 dogs with 2 of them being the same dog on the way out and the way back in (tunnel dog!!!) so pretty stressful ride all in all.

I rode 7.56 miles in 38 minutes for an average speed of 11.9mph!!! Considering my record for this ride is an average speed of 21mph you can see how bad it was today!

08/10/2020 – Day 58

My friend came over today and we decided to ride to Radstock and back and on the way back we decided to try going from the two tunnels to the canal to make the ride a bit longer.

We rode 25.81 miles in 02:20:56 with an average speed of 11.0 mph and an elevation gain of 1,088ft.

I really need to practice hills as my friend left me for dead on every climb as he was pushing the lowest gear on the big front ring and I was on the lowest gear on the small ring. Apart from the climbs being so slow for me I held up really well especially as I did the big ride yesterday. I had no soreness at all which was amazing.

We both agreed that we shouldn’t have gone to the canal as it was slow and rough and not fun at all. There is also a bit in the middle where you have to go through the middle of a school which you have to slow down to a crawl which totally ruined the rhythm of the ride.

07/10/2020 – Day 57

Rode to my parents and back today which was fun and hilly but my body held up really well so happy.

On the way I ride 22.29 miles in 1:49:14 for and average speed of 12.2 mph also had 1,378 ft elevation gain compared to my normal 139 ft gain so a big difference.

Had some food and chilled out for a while and then I get a lift back to the cycle path and then I rode back home.

on the way home I rode 14.37 miles in 01:00:42 for an average of 14.2mph and an elevation gain of 462ft so much less than on the way but still a couple of brutal climbs between Radstock and Bath to get up.

So all in all I rode 36.66 miles in 02:49:56 and climbed 1840ft which is not my longest ride but it is most definitely the hardest route I have ridden so far. I was surprised just how easy it felt and was expecting it to be harder.

I need to practice hills as I had to go into the lowest gear and keep pedaling as my knee is not strong enough to push harder gears yet.

06/10/2020 – Day 56

I started my off days so went to Bitten and back today. I rode 12.20 miles in 53:32 for an average speed of 13.7mph. Got a PB on one of the segments and a couple of 3rd fastest times so nothing spectacular.

05/10/2020 – Day 55

Again did a midford and back today. 7.39 miles in 24:01 minutes and a top speed of 18.5 mph so slightly faster than yesterday. I also got a pb on one of the segments as an unexpected bonus.

04/10/2020 – Day 54

Still wet and windy bit I got to Midford and back on the 2 tunnels today for an easy ride just to get the legs moving.

I did 7.34 miles in 24:14 minutes with an Av speed of 18.2 mph.

03/10/2020 – Day 53.

It was really windy and raining heavily all day still so I had another rest day. I also only slept for 4 hours as I was on night shift and could not sleep for some reason today.

02/10/2020 – Day 52.

It was really windy and raining heavily all day today so I had a rest day.

My thermal bib tights arrived this evening which I am happy about as it is starting to get too cold for shorts now.

01/10/2020 – Day 51.

I was feeling surprisingly good after doing my longest ride to date yesterday and also completing 377 miles in a month to boot.

I took it easy today and just did the 2 tunnels and back and took it pretty easy. I rode 11.95 miles in 36:38 minutes and averaged 19.6 mph so although I was taking it easy and spinning in lower gears I was only about 1mph off of my fastest average for the ride I think.

I managed to get home and wash my bike just before it started really raining so I was pretty happy about that.

I have decided to set a goal of riding 500 miles this month in total and try and do at least one 50 mile ride if I can. 500 miles this month equates to 16.1 miles a day roughly which is attainable I think. I also want to starts trying to do some hills as my knee is feeling stronger and this will mean that I can get off of the cycle paths a bit as they are way too busy still at the moment and this is limiting how fast I can ride.

I also want to see how attainable it is as I was thinking of challenging myself to do 6000 miles next year to keep me motivated to continue cycling on a daily basis.

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