Its Jump Bike Build Day. Octane One Zircus 2022 Build

Its Jump Bike Build Day. Octane One Zircus 2022 Build:

As the new bottom bracket is arriving today and I can’t do any more with the Dialled MX20R until I can get a rear wheel, I decided to get the Octane One Zircus 2022 Frame into the work stand ready to get it built once the bottom bracket arrived:

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As the photo shows, I still haven’t finished tidying the house! Although, most of the stuff on the table is either tools or bike parts which are needed for the various builds over the next few days. I will pop up to the track after work and pick up the club bike so that I can get the dialled club bike and swap the frame and cranks over and then take it back to the container on Thursday night when I go and ride. I will also drop off the cones to the container as I do not need them as I bought some splats last month to make it easier to carry so the cones are just in the way!

Once the Octane One Zircus 2022 is built up and the Dialled Frame swap I can then put the tools away in the newly fixed draw and I should be able to see my dining room table for the first time in a few weeks 🙂

Yesterday when I was building the Dialled MX20R up I really appreciated the organised bike parts with a box for each part type! It really made is so much easier and less stressful to find the parts. I am so glad that I spent the time and money to get them all organised 🙂

I have had a thought and I am going to pop to the track at lunch time and get the Dialled MX20R from the container and build up my MX20R up with the wheels and cranks until my parts arrive. This will mean that I can use the 20″ to take part in tonights training to get used to the 20″ before racing it at the weekend 🙂 It also means that I can transfer a lot of the parts from the Club bike to the other MX20 Frame that I am swapping it for. Then once my rear wheel is ready I can build up the club bike and put it back in the container. The gearing on the club bike is a little bit different to the gearing that I will be running at the weekend but it is close enough to be useable for now.

So I got the Octane One Zircus 2022 part built up but I need a tool to remove the sprocket on the back wheel so I have bought one with next day delivery so once that arrives I will finish the build

I am putting the rear wheel on and leaving the bike for now and starting on the 20″ Dialled MX20R build again as the washers for the front wheel have arrived and I am just going to the track in a sec to pickup the Club Dialled to get the parts off of. My delivery from Crucial also arrived so I have the new cranks and chain ring here too.

I’m pretty happy with the way the bike looks to be honest and can’t wait to get riding it after the weekend once the tool has arrived:

After work I met my friend at the track and he gave me the wheel that I can borrow until my wheel is sorted and to my surprise it was the Onyx wheel which is nice as it is basically the same as my wheel so the bike will feel the same. I changed the brake cable for a new one too and aligned the wheel and setup the chain tugs and got everything dialled in so all that I am waiting on is a few more washers to make the wheel fit the forks and the bike will be ready to ride. I am hoping to get to the track on the bike tomorrow after work to give it a test ride so that I can get used to it by the weekend. I am super happy with the way the bike looks and I think that I need to get some new tyres to race on at the weekend as the 2.10 tyres feel really big. The new cranks look good too 🙂

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