Not feeling right again!

Not feeling right again!

Having a rest day today as I am sore from yesterday’s coaching and I am also feeling a bit flat and lacking energy which is most likely due to not drinking Coca Cola yesterday! My chest is still not right so I don’t want to push it too much.

I am continuing to drink lots of water to try and combat the headache’s that I usually get when giving up Coke and it also helps to flush out the toxin’s from the body a bit too.

I am planning on getting to bed early tonight and then get to the track about 7 in the morning to start manual practice and then get on the track and do some pump laps in to try and build up some endurance which was severely lacking  yesterday! Once I get back from the track I need to pop into the gym around 11 ish to see if there is someone there to give me my fob so that I can start working out on Wednesday morning early.

I am starting to think that maybe Sunday should be a rest day not a pump track day and maybe move the pump track to Saturday morning then we do the pump track and go to Coaching after that and use the pump track as  a bit of a warmup for coaching maybe? It is also impossible to get my son up on a Sunday morning and I don’t want to force him as he is doing well in the training and also putting in effort when I take him to gates at Bristol. He is also going to start sprinting with me on Tuesday nights so I don’t want to make him to get fed up with riding again and give up again. I also feel that I am going to need at least one full day rest a week or my body will give up and break again soon.

I have also decided that stretching 3-4 days a week is enough so I will stretch after the gym every day and that will be enough for now! I also think that one road ride a week will be enough as  Iwill be riding to and from the gym 4x a week which is about 2 hours of riding anyway.

My revised training will look something like this:


AM – Gym (legs) + Stretching

PM – Manual training as a warmup and then Strength Sprints (Uphill)


AM – Gym (upper body) + Stretching

PM – Manual training as a warmup and then Power Sprints (flat)


AM – Slow road ride

PM – Racing Bristol or Basketball


AM – Gym (upper body) + Stretching

PM – Manual training as a warmup and then Speed Sprints (flat)


AM – Gym (legs) + Stretching

PM – Flat Skills


AM – Pump Track then Coaching

PM – Rest


AM – Rest

PM – Rest

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