New Year Weigh-in
I woke up this morning and did my first weigh-in of the year and it was not good 🙁 I am up to 107.9kgs this morning which will be partly due to the amount of Jack Daniels and Coke I drank yesterday and the amount of crisps and sweets too 🙂
I am not too bothered about this weight gain as it will drop off quickly now that I am stopping drinking Coca Cola and stating to eat better.
I woke up with really bad indigestion, heartburn and acid reflux this morning so it is definitely the right time to stop drinking Coca Cola! I am just getting up and I am going to wash up the water bottle that I was given for Xmas and fill it up and start drinking water to help with the cravings that will hit later today.
I also need to get ready for BMX Coaching and gates at Bath later today.
Just writing my new year’s resolutions down again to make them official:
Stop Drinking Coca Cola
Have a green smoothie for breakfast every day
No Takeout food to help eat more healthily.
Go to the gym Minimum 4 times a week EVERY Week
As I am holiday for the next 10 days I have decided to research the raw vegan diet again as I have been researching the vegan diet and noticed that a lot of top athletes seem to be turning to a vegan diet and there are very few fat vegans 🙂 I have a bunch of meat and cheese in the fridge and cereal in the cupboard so I will get rid of those first and then start shopping with a more vegan diet in mind.
I have to admit that I have been eating less and less meat over the past year so I think that stopping eating meat will be easy! Stopping eating cheese and drinking milk may be a lot harder though!
My resolution to start my eating window with a green smoothie every day will be the first step to doing that as I am essentially switching cereal and milk for a smoothie made up of spinach, apple, orange and bananas which is vegan and also a lot healthier. I also noticed that it made me feel much better when I was doing this last year and also cut my hunger throughout the day so I think that it is an easy and useful first step.
This month this is the only real change that I will make as I have a lot of changes going on this month with the stopping drinking Coca Cola and the increase in training load so I do not want to make too many changes at once. I will also try and start adding in more salad and veggie stir fry’s this month too as they are quick and easy to make and are really nice. Then as I work out the raw vegan diet more I will slowly cut out the stir fry’s.
After BMX I am going to do my yearly ritual of throwing away all of the old food in the fridge and then eat everything left in the fridge before buy any more food. I do this to make it easier to deep clean the fridge and also I find that I like the idea of staring the year with a clean slate so the empty fridge is a really visual way of doing this. I am also going to try and empty the freezer too so that I can just stock it with healthy vegan options instead of the crap that is in there at the moment! I will do a shop this morning for the ingredients for the green smoothie so that I can start on them tomorrow as I have cereal to finish up this morning.