I took the day off today and went to Gosport track early to get some pre-National training in as I can’t make it until the Sunday morning.
As I had done coaching last night I struggled to sleep again so I wasn’t able to get up for 5:15 as planned and instead got up for 6:30 and was out of the door by 7am. I then had to go to the garage and fill up my tyres and fuel ready for the journey.
I got to the track just after 9:30 and had a chat with some people who had just arrived from Scotland before hitting the track and doing some training. I mostly did 1st and 3rd straights but I did a bit of 4ths and a few 2nd straights too.
As you can see in the just over an hour and a half that I was at the track I actually rode for 28:27 minutes and covered 3.25 miles in that time. My max speed was 23mph and from the wahoo cadence sensor I had a max cadence of 132rpm’s which is OK seeing I haven’t trained or raced for 10 months!
I noticed while riding that I am getting a lot of brake rub so I have bought a Disk Rotor Truing Fork and a new disk from Wiggle which will arrive tomorrow so I can dial in the bike on Saturday ready to race on Sunday.
When I got home I also put on my HTT2 pedals on and swapped over the cleats on my clipless shoes as well so I can practice on them for the rest of the week so that I am used to them for race day on Sunday. I noticed at coaching last night that my Shimano pedals had a lot of flat so my feet were moving around a fair bit so I have put on the cleats with 4 degrees of float to tray and stop this and hopefully make me faster!
I am now trying to find a replacement DXR Crank bolt as one of mine is rounding off so I couldn’t fully tighten the crank arm which is not ideal!
Prep for race day I need to clean the bike, Lube the chain, grease up the cranks