National Dates released

National Dates

The National dates were released today and they are:

National Dates



















I am pretty happy with the tracks selected as they are all pretty close with the exception of Cumbernauld and I have always wanted to race Peckham as I used to live near the track and never knew that it was there!

I am super stoked about the Brits being in Bournemouth this year as it is close and also I like the track and can get there a lot to practice before the brits.

I am currently still sick from last week and I have to do a PCR test tomorrow to make sure that I don’t have covid so I have at least another week without going out too much. Hopefully I will feel a bit better next week and can pop out for some manual sessions but let’s see. Sprints will definitely be off as my training partner has the same illness as me and is currently waiting for his PCR results so is isolating too.

I am feeling much better today so I am thinking that I will be able to go for a leisurely road bike ride on Sunday to start to get my body used to exercising again!  My friend who I ride with is coming back from a knee injury so we have to keep it light and slow so that he doesn’t mess his knee up again.

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