Morning Walk completed – 31/03/2021

Morning Walk

Morning Walk completed

As planned I walked my son to school and then walked home the long way to get my steps in. I ended up walking 4.10 miles in 1:10:29. The walk was fine until I got shin splints about half way and had to slow down as I was limping so much because of the pain! The shin-splints got so bas at one point I had to sit down so that the blood could dissipate from my shin area and that helped for about 10 minutes before the shin splints came back again 🤦‍♂️

I managed to limp my way home but I took a shorter route than I was planning pre shin splints so I only managed 9000 steps instead of the planned around 12000 steps!

Morning WalkPace

I am hoping that the shin splints are a result of my back being sore from sleeping on the sofa over the weekend and working and not a sign of another injury coming to derail my training! My knee was really sore again this morning too which is normally a sign of my back playing up so fingers crossed the shin splits will go away after a couple of days of walking and stretching! We will find out in the morning so I am crossing everything that they will be better again tomorrow or as a minimum the calf Compression Sleeves work so that I can complete my morning walk without a reoccurrence of today’s shin splints and in pain!

While I was sitting getting over my shin splints I bought a pair of compression calf covers from Amazon as they were the only thing that helped me when I had them a few years ago apart from losing weight that is 🤣. The calf covers were reasonably priced at £9.99 and will be delivered same day before 10pm so I can use them in the morning to hopefully improve my walk. Luckily the only size they had in stock was my size so pretty happy with that. Also by the time I had bought the compression covers my shin splints had subsided and I was able to hobble on.

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The streets were way busier this morning than they were at the same time in the morning last week! This will be partly due to the change in weather and partly due to the change in lockdown rules which is allowing people out of their houses again.

Because of this I plan do go to sleep early tonight and wake up at 5am and do my walk then so that I am back home in time to wake my son up for school and make him a cup of tea.

I will let him walk to school on his own as I think he prefers that anyway as he can listen to music and ignore everyone which he can’t do when he walks with me as I force him to talk all the way as it makes a change for me having company on my walks! I have to say that taking my morning walk very early in the morning is way more preferable to walking at school time as it is way more relaxing and also gives me way more time to work on my side projects when I get home. It also means that I can fit a morning walk in BEFORE I start work when I am working day shifts so I start the shifts way more relaxed and I am more motivated and focussed as I have completed my exercise goal for the day when I would normally have been sleeping which makes me super happy. It also means that I don’t have to worry about exercising in my lunch hour or after work which improves my mood more still 🙂

I also find that if I walk before work I tend to stand at my desk more during the day and therefore I sit less which in turn reduces the amount of back pain I have at the end of the shift so its a win win for me 😁

Refuelled ready for the track

As planned when I got home I ate breakfast and mixed up a 1.5l bottle of SIS and sat down and worked on my blogs while re-hydrating for 2.5 hours before getting ready to go to the track.

Last night I signed up for gate practice at Bristol Track on Saturday afternoon which I am really looking forward to as I haven’t been to a gates session for over a year and Bristol BMX club got a new gate fitted and did some re-modifications of the track during lock down which look to make the track way better. The new gate is amazing as there are not a lot of tracks in the south west region that have new national standard gates for us to practice on so having one so close will be amazing 🙂


1 thought on “Morning Walk completed – 31/03/2021”

  1. Pingback: 10000 Steps: Day 2 - No shin splints or knee pain - NikBmx.Life

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