10000 Steps: Morning walk – 05/05/2021


10000 Steps – 05/05/2021

10000 StepsI woke up at 5:30 this morning and went for my walk. From the start of the walk my legs and back felt surprisingly good which was amazing. I walked out of town along the river again and then back towards town as I wanted to make sure that I wasn’t too far from home as my stomach wasn’t feeling too good. I managed to stay out for about an hour before I had to head home to use the toilet. This equated to 7175 steps so I should be able to get the 10000 steps done before bed just walking around the flat all day while I am working.

I am probably not going to ride the bike today as I am working from 7:15 until 19:30 so will be tired by the end of the day.


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