Major changes needed

So I woke up at 6 am and got up and did my weigh in and I am up to 106.7 kgs this morning so up 1.5 kgs from Monday and a whopping 3.1 kgs more than last Monday! I then went back to bed for a bit on my phone and I have just got up now at 13:00!

From tomorrow I am going full Carnivore again and stopping drinking ALL fizzy drinks as well as this week I steadily drank more and more fizzy drinks and I am drinking Coca Cola again today! I am also going back to doing my proper morning routine every morning and get up and walk to the gym and do 30-45 minutes in the gym then walk home again then get showered and ready for the day! This will get me in the habit of getting up and leaving the house straight away as well as get me in the habit of going to the gym first thing Monday-Friday. At lunch time I will do an hour ride on the mtb as I am now going to start work at 7:30 in the morning so I only have an hour for lunch so I may as well use it to get some more cardio in. On Monday night I am on call so I can’t do anything really after 4pm so I will use it as my rest day and then every other evening until the clocks change I will head to the track and get an hour or so in on the bike. On a Friday lunch i will take a longer lunch and go to the track as well.

At the weekends I will walk first thing still as its still dark until past 7 am now so I can’t get to a track super early as its still dark! So I will not change my routine and will get up at 5 am do my weigh in then get ready and go to a track after that! On Saturday I will wait until 3 ish to do gates at Bath and then on Sunday I will most likely go to Patchway to ride somewhere different at least once a week 🙂

I want to get out of the habit of exercising a lot but being basically sedentary the rest of the time so I think that this will help!

So my training week will look something like this:

Day AM Lunch PM
Monday Walk + Gym (legs) Rest Rest
Tuesday Walk + gym (upper) Track Skills Sprints + Track
Wednesday Walk + Gym (legs) Track Skills Andover Gates
Thursday Walk + gym (upper) Track Skills Sprints + Track
Friday Walk + Gym (legs) Track Skills Track
Saturday Walk + Sprints Rest Gates Bath
Sunday Walk + Track visit Rest Rest

I may switch it up a bit but I want to do 3 different types of exercise plus my 10000 steps and 10 minutes backwards walking a day for the next week and also Monday and Tuesday the week after then I will not be doing too much other than maybe the morning walk + gym as my brother-in law and cousin by marriage are over to visit so I am not sure what I will be doing while they are here!  I am guessing afternoons and evening will be out as I will be driving them around sight seeing and evenings will most likely be a fair bit of drinking as well so mornings may be a struggle too but I can try!

This coming week I plan to do the egg diet from Tuesday to Thursday to try and kick start my weight loss again and try and get moving towards getting under 100 kgs so I will only eat eggs, cheese and butter for those days and then go back to the carnivore diet Friday onwards. I have done my shopping for the next week with 36 large free range eggs, a beef joint and bacon and mince meat for burgers so I should be good food wise for the week 🙂 I also got a load of water and fizzy water as well so that I am not tempted to drink fizzy drinks and to stay hydrated! That will be here Monday afternoon so I will have to get another dozen eggs from somewhere tomorrow so that I can make some boiled eggs to take with me to work on Monday to eat at 11am when I break my fast and then I have food in the fridge until the new food arrives!

I have just put all the washing away and got showered and dressed for gates so I am just chilling for 15 minutes until I have to leave for gates! The StayStrong now has the 41 x 16 gearing on it from the Curtis and the HT clipless pedals so I have put my new Shimano Clipless shoes in the car ready and I will be interested to see how the bike rides with the lighter gearing on it! I am a bit worried that the longer backend will be a problem but we will see later today I guess 🙂

I am just getting a set of Burgtec Pedals to put in the car just in case I can’t get along with the clipless pedals but I think they will be OK to be honest and I am definitely better out of the gate on clipless pedals than flats! While I was writing this I luckily remembered that I had forgotten to put my knee brace on so I have just stuck it on so I have no knee pain doing gates.

So gates went OK the HT pedals were really weird and were half unclipping every time i pedalled so I put flats on and then it was all good! I’m not convinced about the StayStrong so I will deffo get my other Curtis back from my friend and ride that instead and most likely sell all the others. I also want to get my new disk wheel set up for the race Curtis too but I still haven’t heard anything from the people that I bought it off so I need to chase next week. Other option is that I cancel the profile Elite hub and build up the Staytrong hub instead that I have at the moment. I will see what I get back when I call next week.

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