Loving the Supercross Envy V5

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I have been riding the Supercross Envy V5 all weekend apart from Sunday and Monday as my shoulder so I decided not to race on Sunday and rested Monday as my shoulder was still sore.

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I have decided that I am going to limit how often I ride the BMX as my shoulder is still not right so I will ride the Jump bike more as it doesn’t hurt my shoulder as much as riding the BMX does. I am waiting to get my Onyx back wheel back from my friend as to get it built up with a 24″ rim so I don’t want to mess up the current disk brake wheel that is on the Supercross at the moment any more than I have to as it is really to be used on my Curtis once it is built so I want to keep it as new looking as possible. I will most likely put my DXR rear wheel on the Supercross until the old Onyx hub is built up into a wheel so tht I can keep the new onyx wheel new for the Curtis. As I’m not racing any more this year it doesn’t really make a difference to me for now anyway.

This morning I went to the track for an hour or so and played on the DMR riding mostly the 3rd and 4th straights working on slower Manuals to try and get my technique right instead of just hitting everything at 100mph to make the manuals easier!

In the hour and a bit (1hr 10 minutes) that I was riding I actually rode for 35 minutes and did 3.75 miles in that time. My max speed was 21.5mph which is pretty good as I was taking it easy and not pushing too hard as I forgot my gloves and was also on flat pedals for the first time in ages. I also only had my light body armour on and no leg or hip padding at all so I didn’t want to go too hard. As you can see by the darkness of the lines on the 3rd and 4th straight I did way more 3rd and 4th straights than 1st and second straights! I spent a lot of time trying to do a pull manual to manual off on the triple which is probably the fastest line on it! I got the pull manual pretty much every time but only managed the manual off a couple of times so there is a lot of work to go on this straight still. The rear wheel of the DMR is still moving so I need to get some chain tensioners on it to stop this ASAP as its a bit un-nerving when the wheel moves as it causes the bile to wobble! I will take some tools and some chain tensioners with me when I go to the track tomorrow afternoon.

Tomorrow I will pad up and wear my 5Tens as well and do some jumping on the tabletop and see how my shoulder feels doing that. I will also slow down and work on technique more than worrying about how high or far I can jump so that once I get the technique back I will then build up the speed after that! I may even move onto the 3rd straight and try to jump the first part of the triple maybe, depending how it goes.

During the week for now I am going to ride just the DMR jump bike and work on my technique and then for gates on Friday nights I will ride the Supercross to see how my shoulder is feeling and also have more fun at gates as the Supercross is way better than the DMR for gates.

I am basically done with racing for the year so I will spend the rest of the year working on technique and improving my manuals and Jumping then in the new year I will start to work on sprints again.

Fitness wise this year I am going to continue walking most mornings and also next week I will start weights again and also start the knee over toes zero program to try and get more leg strength and flexibility ready to start leg weights when my shoulder allows me to squat again.

I have come a long way in the past month by doing the walking and weights so I don’t see the point in changing my routine for the time being. I am also going to start riding the e-bike to the track most evenings after work so that I can ride the DMR which is in the container. This will also help me shed weight and save money on petrol and wear and tear on my car so its a win/win! The ebike is also faster than driving as I can use the 2 tunnels which is the most direct route and even though my ebike is pretty slow It is probably 10 minutes faster than the car and on the way back it is a good 15-20 minutes faster 🙂


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