Lots of steps done but no actual walks completed. 10000 Steps completed most days.


Lots of steps done but no actual walks completed 10000 Steps completed most days.

This week I have not been of even one walk in the mornings as I have been in the office doing a server audit from 6am every morning so I have been getting my step in doing that and then also walking to and from work and around the house as well.

My totals for this week are:

16/08/2021 17845
17/08/2021 12232
18/08/2021 15569
19/08/2021 10974
20/08/2021 4948

So apart from yesterday managed to easily do my 10000 steps and averaged 12313 steps a day so even with the low step count yesterday I crushed the 10000 steps a day this week.

I have decided that next week I will get up and ride my bike Mon-Friday early morning instead of walk and then get my 10000 steps in during the day to try and up my exercise levels and make the weight loss go faster. This week I have found the intermittent fasting really easy and a couple of days I was so busy that it was 14:00 or more before I started eating! so I think that my body is adjusting to the intermittent fasting eating patterns pretty well.

I am planning to go on road bike rides Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings and the do sprints on the 20″ BMX Tuesday and Thursday mornings to get some BMX specific riding in and also to mix it up a bit and stop the road bike getting boring. It will also mean that I continue to do some BMX specific training and work my anaerobic energy system and also force some more weight loss as well. I have also not done any manual training so I heed to try and focus on that more too.

The basketball league that I play in starts up again soon so I need to start practicing again as I haven’t touched a basketball in over 2 years now so its going to be a shock to the system. I may need to slot a run in on a Wednesday morning to try and get my body used to running again before I start playing basketball again.

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