Lost another 0.5kgs!

So this morning i woke up and did my weigh in and I am now down to 106.5kgs from 108.9kgs on Friday when I stopped drinking Fizzy drinks so I’m basically down 2.5kgs in a week! Technically its 2.4kgs but close enough! Who would have thought by changing a couple of things you could shift so much weight in a week! I have basically lost almost 1/2 a stone (5.5lbs) in a week!

I lost a chunk of weight yesterday due to the fact that I got almost 9000 steps (8875) just doing cleaning in the house which is really good going as my flat is pretty small! Its looking the best it has been for ages so its was worth it! At the weekend I need to start de-cluttering whats left then I have to hit the shed and garage too then the house will be so much better!

So today I finished up all of the eggs and cheese left in the house to make an amazing omelette  so tonight I will have to walk to the shops before I can eat so I will get a bunch more steps in! Its 2pm and I am currently on 4378 steps so I have a fair few steps to get in still!

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