I woke up this morning and my knee is much better but it is still sore and is very unstable so I have decided to rest today and not play basketball as I don’t want to hurt it any more as I am racing on Saturday and have training on Sunday so it needs to be better.
This also means that I will not be able to go to Bristol Track tomorrow to practice as my knee will not be strong enough to ride on a track yet!
I am thinking that I may got and do some downhill sprints to get my legs spinning but not put too much stress on my knee. I will not time them as I am hurt and I don’t want to have unnecessarily slow baselines that will skew my results so I will wait until next week to start timing the downhill sprints. I will however time my session on Friday that I will do with my son as I think that he will get a big boost from timing his sessions as he can compete against the clock and himself which he enjoys more than competing against others. This is one of the main reasons that I bought the system to try and get him more motivated to train and get faster as he tends to just go through the motions other wise. I’m not going to lie I have been wanting a decent way of timing my workouts for years as the Wahoo Speed and cadence sensors are OK but they are pretty buggy and don’t seem very well suited to the demands of BMX race training with all the stopping and starting involved.
That being said I may hook them up to my bike again tomorrow and give them another go go to see if I can measure some different metrics also using them in conjunction to the Cronox training system will only be beneficial in the long run as the more data the better when it comes to training data! It will also be interesting to compare speeds and leg cadence to actual sprint times as well to see where during the sprint I can improve to gain more speed overall! It will also allow me to set goals of improving top speed or top cadence as well which I know is a limiting factor at the moment!