June Training

Screenshot from 2023 03 14 06 28 44

So as May didn’t go as planned due to my back issues I have decided to re-focus for June and really focus on getting my fitness goals achieved this month! This month I will focus on going to the gym 3x a week to do 2 x leg days and 1 x upper body day and this month I will use mainly the machines to get my body in the habit of working out and to build a base fitness/ strength level to move to free weights when my body is up to it! I also have to re-focus to get back to walking again too. I am going to aim for 15000 steps a day during the week and 10000 steps a day at weekends I think!

I have also decided to add road rides first thing to my daily schedule when I am not at the gym as I am not really motivated to walk at the moment so I will try adding road rides instead and see if that is more attainable for the summer at least! When the mornings get darker again I may go back to walking first thing again but for now I want to try road rides again!

I have decided that the best days for me to work out are Wednesday, Friday and Saturday mornings so I plan to do the following workouts for each day:


AM = Road ride + ride to and from the office

Lunch = Walk

PM = Ride home + Rest as on call


AM = Road ride

Lunch = Gates and Jumping

PM = Finishing off steps if needed


AM = Gym (Legs)

Lunch = Track (Jumping)

PM = Finishing off steps if needed


AM = Road ride

Lunch = Track (Jumping)

PM = Gates


AM = Gym (Legs)

Lunch = Track (Jumping)

PM = Finishing off steps if needed


AM = Gym (Upper Body)

AM = Gates

PM = Finish off steps if needed and REST


AM = Pump Track

PM = Finish off steps if needed and REST

I have decided that I will not get back into sprints this month as I want to focus on getting better on the bike this month more than getting faster as improving my bike skills is more important at this point in time than getting faster so I will focus on that at lunch times this month to hopefully be in a better place skill wise by July or August to then start sprints in September maybe when I will be fitter, lighter and stronger from 3 months of weight training! As jumping is my weakest skill at the moment I will work on that first so every time I am at the track I want to be working on my jumping! My goal is to have jumped the 3rd on 3rd by the end of the month as its going to get re-built in the near future so I want to tick the jump off before then! I think 4 days of jumping a week will really help to get me back to jumping by the end of the month then I can add manuals to the mix as well.

I want to start doing car park skills every time I am at the track to warm up which will also help with improving my manuals and jumping as well over time so I will start with flat manuals followed by pedal manuals and then bunny hops before every track session to get into the routine of doing it and also get my body ready to ride the track! I will then get 3 pump laps in and then start whichever training I am doing that day! Over time this will get my mind and body ready to ride.

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