The 16t sprocket has just arrived from Halo which is good going as I just bought it yesterday 🙂
I got confirmation that the chain ring will be here tomorrow so I will be able to change the gearing hopefully on Monday afternoon as I am off as I am on call tonight.
Unfortunately my plan to run the dxr’s on the jump bike will not work as the frame uses a Spanish bb which only works with 19mm cranks. I am now thinking that I will use the Profile spider that I was going to use with the Dialled on the jump bike instead so that I can then use the new 32t chain ring with the jump bike so that I can run the lower gearing.
I am not planning on doing much today as it is National weekend for rounds 3&4 at Cyclopark this weekend so I will be travelling up at just before lunch tomorrow with a slight diversion to drop a wheel into Gary at Curtis so that he can design the new disk brake mount for my frame 🙂 I am currently waiting for an Amazon driver to deliver my new wrist guard, Rehook Tyre Glider (tyre lever replacement tool), and a new kit bag to make travelling to Nationals easier! I am interested to see how the Rehook tool works as my friend said that it works really well and he works on a lot of bikes and has used tyre levers for years so should know what he is talking about.
Once the delivery arrives I will be able to sort out my bike and get packed up ready to travel tomorrow. I also need to pop into the office later on tonight to work on some servers OOH so I will be able to fill the car up with petrol as well so that all I have to do tomorrow is load the car and go.
The bike just needs a wipe over, check all the bolts are tight and swap the rear tyre and tube and fit and dial in the new brake and it will be ready to go.
I am just off to clean the disk wheel that I am taking to Gary as its not been cleaned as my Son isn’t bothered about his bike at all so never cleans it!
I am also getting my flat clean and all the washing put away so that its not a state when I get back late on Sunday!
The bike is now race ready and the brake feels amazing at the moment so fingers crossed it will last the weekend:
I can now do one revolution of the cranks and the wheel spins for 30 seconds before it stops so the brake is deffo not rubbing any more 🙂