January 2024 Training Plan

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So as I said in my year end review I have decided to hold off on adding weight training to my training schedule until February to give my body time to get used to the increased load of adding BMX sprints and track training on top of the 12500 steps a day.

I have also had to re-order my sprints sessions as I will be in the office all day Mondays as I am not needed to cover Friday’s on call any more 🙂 Its a plus as I get all weekend off now from 4pm Friday until 6:30 am Monday morning which is nice BUT it means that I don’t get Monday afternoons off any more. I have decided that I will try and do my 60m sprints session first thing on Monday morning on the bike patch next to the office and do them on my GT Power Series 24 Cruiser as its my ride to work bike anyway and it is over geared so it will mean that it will make the sprints like doing uphill sprints even though the path is flat so really good for the winter at least 🙂 I will also be warm from the ride to the office so I can get straight into sprints after I have dropped off my bag and picked up my sprint step from the office.

Depending how the early morning spirits go I may decide to do all my sprints early doors at the same spot, in which case I may leave the bike at work as well then I can walk to the office and then do my sprints and then start work at 6:30. It may be a bit tight for time I will have to see. Doing the sprints first thing will also mean that I can spend more time at lunch time working on my bike skills and track fitness at lunch times and it means I have the sprints out of the way before work so if I have to work over lunch its no big deal! As I am in the office on Mondays going to the track is also impractical so I will walk in my lunch break instead of riding the BMX and see how that goes. On Monday I will also start work at 7:30 not 6:30 and then I have more time to get the 60m sprints in and get showered and changed before work starts 🙂 I will also then only take a 1hour lunch break as thats all I can take while in the office or people get funny about the 2 hour lunch even though I started at 6:30am! The more I think about doing the sprints first thing the more I like the idea so I will try it out and see how it goes. This week I will do the sprints later in the day as I’m not at work but while I am at the track this week I will get my measuring wheel then so an early morning measuring session to get some start line, 15m, 30m and 60m lines marked out to make it easier to setup quickly in the dark!

I also like the idea of leaving my bike at work so that its one less bike taking up space in the flat/ Garage which is nice 🙂

I have also added stretching in the evening after getting rest of my 125000 steps in to finish off the day and hopefully make me feel a lot better in the morning for training!

This is how I see January training Panning out:

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I will see how it goes while I am on holiday and get some timings to see if its doable or not. The 60m sprints may be a push as you need the full 3-5 minutes rest to recover between efforts but the 30m and 15m sprints do.

By waiting a month to start weight training it also gives me a month to work on my squat flexibility as at the moment my squats are severely hindered by my ankle and shoulder flexibility which is not ideal!


As I am hurting so much after the 60m sprints session yesterday I have decided to dial back on the intensity of my training a bit to avoid getting hurt or sick and to make sure that all my training sessions are as good as they can be!

I have decided that for the first 4 weeks of my training plan I will rest on Tuesday and Thursdays and only walk my 125000 steps that day so that my body has time to recuperate between training sessions. This months training will now be as follows:

Screenshot 2024 01 02 at 08.33.25 Once my body gets used to the sprints I will add more reps until I get to 12 reps a session but I will adjust that when it feels right not when I hit a certain date!

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