Injured again!


So today I went to the track and helped setup and then grabbed my Sunday 24″ out of the container and brought it home to get it washed and up for sale as soon as possible.

I then came home and went to bed until I had to get ready for practice and then went to the track for 14:30 to get my OS20 back and pick up my ebike wheel as well as it has had new spokes. I also borrowed a rear wheel to build up the Standard this week.

We then started training and I fell in the first warmup drill and twisted my ankle and knee so I went back home and iced and elevated my ankle ready to try and ride on it tomorrow at the team day.

Later on in the evening I got tried to put the 24×2.10 tyre on the GT’s rear wheel but there was just too little clearance so I had to put the 24×1.75 tyre back on. This meant that I had to buy a new 24×1.75 power block to use on the standard which will be there sometime later in the week! I also bought a new dxr brake calliper as I didn’t have a spare one to use although I have a brand new lever and cable waiting to go on the Standard when it’s built.

I also took the bars and stem off of the GT ready to build the standard up and as planned put back on the top loader stem that came with the bike and some Inspyre Cruiser bars that I had lying about so now the GT front end is higher than it was so should be a bit more comfortable to ride to work on.

I can’t ride it at the moment so I can’t test it but I think that it will be better.

Tomorrow I will swap out the brake cable and sort out the brake a bit but my foot is hurting so I’m going back to bed 🙁

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