Injured again! More Dialled Bikes MX20R Upgrades.

back pain

Injured again! More Dialled Bikes MX20R Upgrades.

Woke up early and got my son ready and we rode to the track to get some laps in before gates.

I was on my 2nds warmup lap after the lap to safety lap (slow pump lap to check for stick, stones etc on the track) I gave it some beans down the start hill and started my manual and I got an excruciating pain in the left side of my back!  I managed to hold onto the manual and then get off of the track but as soon as I unclipped my left leg and put it on the floor I was in even more pain! Just like that it was my day/ week over!.

I stayed for gates but I was not much use other than pressing the button and telling people what to do but we had a good session all the same!

After gates I walked home to try and ease my back and then took a long radox bath which I thought had helped until I led down to watch a film and then tried to get off of the sofa!!!

I am now in excruciating pain and trying to ice the back to try and get it better to start walking again in the morning!

On a more positive note I finished the day on 12554 steps so it was not all bad!

chain tensioner

While I was sat doing nothing I fitted the chain tensioner on the left hand side of my 20″ to make sure that the wheel does not move. I have left the red chain tensioner on the drive side for now as the chain and wheel are currently in the perfect position so I didn’t want to mess with it for now! I am not worried what the bike looks like for now so as long as it rides well I am not bothered!

As I am hurt and I am definitely not going to the next National in Scotland and most likely not the Brits in Leicester at the end of the month either I have also swapped the clipless pedals for my Pedaling Innovation pedals which I am going to use on the bike for the time being as my flat pedal of choice. I used them for a while a couple of years ago and they were much better than normal flat pedals that I have used before as they have a really wide platform for the foot to grip to.

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