Impromptu Weigh-In
I woke up feeling thinner this morning so I had an impromptu weigh in and found to my surprise that I had dropped from 104.3kgs on Monday to 103.5kgs this morning! So I am officially lighter than I have been all year!! I have also dropped an amazing 0.8kgs in 4 days!!!
The weight loss is all the more amazing as I have not really walked at all this week and I have been drinking Coca Cola a lot too!!
I have however been riding my BMX a lot with training at Bath on Tuesday and Racing (Sort of) on Wednesday at Bristol and riding again yesterday so I have been doing a lot of exercise at least!
This has made me think about how effective walking is for weight loss for me compared to BMX and BMX is hands down way more effective and way less time consuming than walking!
I have decided that from Monday I will aim to walk 7000 steps in a day instead of 10000 and I will do a 30-60 minute walk in the mornings before work instead of the 90 minutes walks that I have been doing and then with the extra time I am going to do stretching or body-weight training and then at lunch times I will go to the track and ride my bike for an hour or so as I can take longer lunches and finish at 5pm as normal as I start work an hour earlier now.
This will allow me to start doing sprints and work on my track skills as I am feeling like I am lacking bike time at the moment and I also need to work on carrying speed as I do not do that at the moment at all!
That being said lowering the handlebars has helped a bit with that although my back is really sore at the moment so it may not be a great thing for not getting hurt!
I am off to the track again in a bit so I will get some more track time in before the regional this weekend.
I ended up being at the track all morning as we toilets and barriers didn’t arrive until 12:30. While I was waiting I did an hour of first straights and then sat in my car for a bit and waited for the rain to stop then did another hour of 3rd straights. By the end of this time I was feeling much more comfortable on the cruiser and my manuals were felling much better and I was not bonking them like I was at the start of the session! I was also starting to get comfortable in the manual and getting tap manuals back a bit.
While I was at the track with not much to do I got my measuring wheel out an marked out 30m, 60m and 100m lines ready to start sprints next week. I also measured the biggest jumps on the track and then marked out 20m so that I can practice my manuals over the winter every time I do first straights and gates as I measured from the track that comes off of the second straight to go back to the start hill. My thinking is that by practising all the time while training I will improve my manuals a lot, I chose 20m as that is the 2m more than the largest jump on the track so my thinking is if I can consistently manual the 20m on the flat then I should be able to easily manual the 2 largest jumps on the track with very little effort. Once this weekend is over I an going to get back on the 20″ for the winter and also ride flats so that I can work on my pedalling and it also means that I can start to work on manuals without having to worry about falling off the back of the bike like I would on flats!
I plan to still ride the cruiser for training sessions and gates sessions as I don’t want to forget how to ride it but I think that I will get more out of riding the 20″ over the winter than riding the 24″. I am also undecided if I will race 20″ as well next year or just stick to racing 24″
I have been thinking about bike upgrades for next season and I think that I will race the Dialled 24″ frame as it now feels good and looks even better! I am now thinking that I may spend the £600+ that I would have spent on next years frame on carbon rims instead and get a new set of Onyx hubs and ti spokes as I feel that his would be of more benefit to my racing than a new frame. I can then get the Onyx hub off of my cruiser laced to a 20″ rim then both bikes will have onyx rear hubs so will feel the same. I also need to get new cranks for the 20″ so that I can move it on to a 44×16 gearing to have the same gearing as the 24″. Once they are both setup I think that I’m all good for next season.