Ill again

Woke up at 5am feeling really bad again so didn’t ruck again this morning! I stayed in bed until about 8am then I got up, did my weigh-in (back up to 1-6.9kgs 🙁 ) and then I started cleaning the flat as I need to clean as its a mess and my parents are coming here later so I needed to tidy up! I deep cleaned the bathroom and front hall and then mopped the floors in both too and then I had a call to jump at 10am so I left the floors drying.

During the call I walked on the treadmill to get some steps in as I was on about 1500 steps for the day at 10 am. Its now 10:40 and I am on 4229 steps so I have got a bunch of steps in while on the call 🙂

The paint stripper arrived this morning so I have just been spraying it on the Black Market frame to see if it works better then the other stuff did and at first glance it looks to be pretty good:

I am not leaving it on for a couple of hours to see how it does then I will try and scrape the paint off. At the moment it looks like it is doing a good job on the grey rattle can paint but not so good on the original Copper colour paint but we will see what time does to the orange paint! I think that I have enough spray for another coat if needed so I have bought another 2 cans just in case I need more as I want to make the frame look as good as I can on a budget! I am starting to think that it would have been as better idea to just get it sand blasted and powder coated but its good to have a go yourself sometimes I guess and I will feel a closer bond with the bike once I have put some blood, sweat and tears into it 🙂

As its a bank holiday this weekend the other 2 cans are not going to get here until next Wednesday but I really don’t expect the wheels to be finishes before then anyway so its all good 🙂 Although I am hoping that the can I have will do the job so I can clear coat the frame this weekend but only time will tell!

So the first round got a lot of the grey paint off so I may be able to just get it back to the Orange and then leave it at that until I get it painted:

I would be happy with the Orange colour to be honest as it looks really good on the picture on the right above!

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