Bristol Gates


Bristol Gates

I was planning to go for an early morning ride but I didn’t get to sleep until about 23:30 so that didn’t happen! so I have changed my plan and I will go for a ride at 12:00 instead on my lunch break but that didn’t happen either as I was in the zone working on something ad only realised what the time was at 3pm! so no lunch!

I really need to get back on the road bike as I really need to get some weight off so I plan to do at least an hours riding every day for the next month starting tomorrow to see how that affects my weight! So its the 28th tomorrow so I am going to try and ride 1 hour a day for the next  30 days. Or as I’m calling it the 30 hour bike challenge!

My friend who has bought the Jump Bike bits was selling his son’s Shimano DXR Cranks so I have swapped the bike parts for the cranks so I will now have identical cranks on both of my race bikes and I can use the race cranks from my 20″ on the Jump bike as they are better than the 2 piece redline cranks that are on it at the moment! I will need a different bottom bracket but I am going to swap the ceramic bb off of my Son’s bike with the bb on the 20″ and then use the new Shimano bb from the 20″ on the jump bike so I will hopefully get to use the 32t chain ring that I bought after all.

After work I got changed and then loaded the Cruiser into the car and drove to Bristol BMX Track for Bristol BMX Clubs timed gates session. Unfortunately I didn’t have time to go to the track and get my 20″ as it was in the opposite direction and the traffic is really heavy getting to Bristol after 16:3o so I had to go straight to the track!


When I got to the track I got kitted up and went and paid and then started warming up for gates then I did a couple of warm up gates and then started going as fast as I could for a couple of gates. I then has a rest and then started doing some gates with my friend so that we could push each other and we did. When we stopped and looked at our times I had done a 2.266 seconds as my best time and I had 3 of my 8 gates under 2.3 seconds which is pretty good. We then went to do another set of 3 gates but I hurt my wrist again when I was pumping down the back straight so I had to stop. I thought that my last gate was my fastest of the day when in fact it was one of my slowest! Go figure!

I also got the DXR cranks from my friend as well as some 8.5″ rise S&M bars that I had lent his son last year to try as well so tomorrow I will go to the track and pick up my 20″ so that I can swap out the the cranks and bars and get the bike race ready 🙂

It is racing next week but I am not sure if I will race or just do gates again. I will see how I feel on the day (and how the weather is looking too 😉 ) Going forwards I will start taking both bikes to the track when I go so that I can practice swapping bikes all the time. It will be interesting to see which bike I am faster on as well.

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