Hurting today

sprocket forward joyride black

So today I am really sore after the walking yesterday so I am staying home and cleaning this morning instead of going for my morning walk today! I have started by putting all the parts bins back in the coat cupboard and am now clearing all the crap from the lounge as well so that I can tidy there too!

I got almost 2000 steps in doing the cleaning this morning and I am now way more relaxed as my flat is way clearer and cleaner too 🙂

I decided to get a 44t chain ring so I bought a black Forward Joyride 4 bolt 44t chain ring from Crucial as it should be here tomorrow if the Crucial team do their usual turn around 🙂 I have also put the Shimano 16 rear cog that I ordered at the weekend that arrived yesterday on the wheel so its now all ready for when the chain and chain ring arrive.

I will wait to get the fatter tyre until pay day as I can live with the thinner tyre on the rear for now! I am going to clear out the shed at the weekend so I may well find a 20 x 1.75 Power block in there as I’m sure I had another one somewhere! At lunch time I will cut off the seat post a bit so that I can slam the seat to ride the bike. I was going to keep the seat post long so that I could ride it with the S&M post up but I think I will cut it short and just use my cool down post. Making the post short will also make it fit in my back pack better for when I am riding the bike with the cool-down post on!

sprocket forward joyride black

I have also found a Cult Pad Set so I will get them on pay day too 🙂



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